View Full Version : tons of Baja and formula equipment for sale

04-22-2009, 10:27 AM
Hey guys,

We are relocating our labs to a new building and have to get rid of several years of accumulated parts. We are located in downtown NYC and would like to reach out to any nearby teams.

The stuff that we have is mostly baja stuff, rims, tires, seats, engines, struts, brakes, etc.

There is also some formula stuff here but if any of you schools have a Baja team please let them know about this.

We would be willing to have people come in and walk away with crates full of stuff for very cheap. This is an especially great deal for any new teams. Please respond here if interested, everything will be thrown away in the end of May, but until then just let me know and you can come by and get stuff swap meet style.


04-22-2009, 10:27 AM
Hey guys,

We are relocating our labs to a new building and have to get rid of several years of accumulated parts. We are located in downtown NYC and would like to reach out to any nearby teams.

The stuff that we have is mostly baja stuff, rims, tires, seats, engines, struts, brakes, etc.

There is also some formula stuff here but if any of you schools have a Baja team please let them know about this.

We would be willing to have people come in and walk away with crates full of stuff for very cheap. This is an especially great deal for any new teams. Please respond here if interested, everything will be thrown away in the end of May, but until then just let me know and you can come by and get stuff swap meet style.


04-29-2009, 02:46 PM
we could get together and trade our crap we don't need for your crap you don't need http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

what kind of formula stuff do you have? we have some torsen diffs, brake parts, other goodies we haven't gotten around to ebaying

05-07-2009, 03:29 AM
i would be interested in your baja and formula rims, and struts , send me pics and specs asap . we are looking to purchase soon.

Jonas Van Eyck
02-19-2010, 04:08 AM
can you show me pictures of the rims, the brakesystem, the pedals, steering rack, steer?
What do you still have for sale, for which prices?


02-19-2010, 12:54 PM
Do you have any formula stuff that you're looking to sell?

Chad Summey
02-22-2010, 03:48 PM
Could you send me some pic of the stuff you still have.. Thanks Chad