View Full Version : This competition is useless!

07-28-2012, 11:34 AM
I was just going through this forum and it seems to me that you guys are nothing more than a bunch of twats. Can't believe that you are really discussing about a competition which neither gives money nor recognition. If you think that respect by a hundred people is recognition then you are wrong. How many non-car enthusiasts know about FSAE anyway? This is a silly competition that was created by forces unknown who want to keep the world's best minds away from the problems that really plague the world.Do you know how many people die of hunger or disease everyday? Are you aware that more than half of the world's population is poor? Instead of trying to build a stupid race car, you guys should try to solve the world's problems. The organizers of the competition are undercover agents who have been bribed to create hysteria among FSAE participants so that they become victims of this fraud and spend their time and money in pursuit of a goal that is non existent anyway.

Shame on you!

07-28-2012, 11:58 AM
You are so right! Thanks for enlightening us with your superior ethical sense.

And why exactly are you wasting your precious time on this forum instead of finding a cure for cancer?

07-28-2012, 12:14 PM
Our electric car is going to end global warning, so shut your face.

07-28-2012, 12:41 PM
Nice try undercover FSAE'er trying to get everybody else to quit so your team wins...

Ben K
07-28-2012, 12:50 PM
You realize some of the best engineers are actually previous FSAE engineers? By getting more young engineers involved in FSAE and solving complex engineering problems, they become BETTER at what they do in the future. After participating in college, they can solve the worlds most complex issues. There is still PLENTY of time to save the world.

Not only that--but this competition is wicked fun--and the sponsorships are from companies who very often want to hire some of the best new graduate engineers in the world.

So excuse me--but you are the naive one in this.


07-28-2012, 03:34 PM
Obvious troll is obvious...?

Also, everybody knows that unicorn tears cure cancer, and the only way to catch a unicorn is with something fast, such as a racecar.

07-28-2012, 03:47 PM
Shows what you know... being on an fsae team makes you poor so you can experience what being poor is like and have a better understanding of that plight.

07-28-2012, 04:12 PM
Can some admin just close these obvious troll topics and ip- and mail-ban the person ...

07-28-2012, 08:38 PM
You haven't driven one of these have you?

07-28-2012, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by BeunMan:
Can some admin just close these obvious troll topics and ip- and mail-ban the person ...

No need. My job is done. I've got you guys thinking. Don't you see that this competition makes you behave like a drug addict? You just can't have enough of it!

FSAE=Foundation for Students Addicted for Eternity.

This is my last post in the forum. Goodbye.

07-29-2012, 04:55 AM
wrong place...

Tom Wettenhall
07-29-2012, 06:36 AM
Oh, cool, it's left. Now, back to racecars...

07-29-2012, 07:57 AM
Ok, who told their disgruntled political science major girlfriend about our forum?!

A Qwr--an FSAE-er who is just plain dumb
A Vrn--a dumber-yet outsider/foe waiting to pounce on something like a picture of a model posing with an FSAE vehicle

Dunk Mckay
07-29-2012, 02:36 PM
I didn't realize we had stumbled under a bridge. Quick somebody call Hans Trolljegeren!

Lorenzo Pessa
07-29-2012, 02:45 PM
Thank you! You open my eyes.

Now I stop with FSAE cars and start with chemical trails.

07-29-2012, 03:13 PM
I have an official Nuclear Bomb Effects calculator/computer for sale. Its exactly the same device shown and used in the making of "Dr. Strangelove". Its not digital but is still quite accurate and requires no power.

Be the first one on your block to be the last one on your block. Why beat each other up with go-carts when you can create your own mancave from scratch ??

Will M
07-29-2012, 08:00 PM
Hot damn!
I think s/he just called us the "world's best minds".
Well I for one know how to take a compliment when I hear one.


Claude Rouelle
07-30-2012, 07:30 AM

Does VRN stand for Very Rude and Nauseating?

Your attitude and your language is an insult to your own intelligence and to the people who love you and have invested time and care in you. How do you think your parents and close friends would react reading this?

You are right; there are much bigger needs and much bigger problems in this world than succeeding in Formula Student. But not all of us can be Mother Theresa. Or it is not our destiny. I feel that what counts is making a difference. Learning by doing, becoming a better engineer, building team spirit, acquiring organizational and leadership skills IS making a difference. During the time that many students give their brain and heart at work to succeed in a project, there are many other young people endlessly drinking, using drugs, wasting time, not contributing to anything. Who help the world the best? Who should you speak to first?

May I ask YOU what you do in your life to make a difference?

Offensive language is rarely efficient. If you want to be a leader and you want people to follow you in addressing these much more noble challenges that you mention do you think many of your readers will follow you after you pushed them away?

"My job is done, I made you thinking" OK, now what will be your next positive task?

Aggressiveness is often the sign of fear or pain. What are yours?


Dunk Mckay
07-30-2012, 08:13 AM
In the past 11 months, spurred on and motivated by the thought of returning to Formula Student, I have read 5 technical engineering books cover to cover, am over half way through a 6th, have agressively perused a 7th and have an 8th on the list which I hope to have finished within the month. On top of that I have read countless technical papers, a number of informal but very educational documents, articles, etc (including a number of long threads on here, kudos to Big Bird). I have also engaged in technical conversation with fellow students, professional engineers and even leaders in their technical fields on numerous engineering subjects. All this in my spare time outside of work (plus lunch and tea breaks).

When I look back at where I was this time last year it's stunning how much I have learnt and come to understand, purely on the back of the exitement I had returning from FSG and FSUK for the first time. Far more knowledge than I had accumulated in the previous 3 years I had spent studying for my engineering degree.

If everyone that participates in 'Formula' has even a tenth of the enthusiasm that I have had, then every single one of them will graduate as far better engineers than they otherwise would have been. Many of them will no doubt go on to work on many different world changing and world saving projects, using the skills and knowledge they learnt through their passion for 'Formula' to make the Earth a better place for generations to come.

And all this why?

Because Racecar

Charles Kaneb
07-30-2012, 01:23 PM
Over the past 10 years, a competitive FSAE car has gone from a shrinkwrapped-cockpit, 500 lb, 75 horsepower machine to a room-for-two, 350 lb, 50 horsepower car.

What do you think of the benefits to society of FSAE-trained engineers starting with our present 3500-lb, 300 horsepower passenger cars and finishing with 2450 lbs, 200 horsepower cars that are roomier and safer?

Drew Price
07-30-2012, 03:58 PM
I design better toasters because of FSAE*

* = Sarcasm. I work for a specialty engineering & R&D firm now, we make all kinds of one-off experimental custom things in a hands-on environment run like a design studio rather than an engineering firm. I would never have gotten this job at 25 if I hadn't participated in FSAE.

Richard Pare
07-31-2012, 06:14 PM
Guys, just be thankful that Franklin Ratliff - aka "Propster" - hasn't found this site yet. Make this clown look and sound like a total wuss!

The AFX Master
08-02-2012, 12:43 PM
That should be the president of an FSAE“r ex girlfriend union. They seem to grow on trees these days.

Our team always dealt with such annoyances by inviting the girls to join us. Success!

So, there“s always plenty of really nice ones in yellow at Michigan each year.

08-10-2012, 11:14 PM
This is what happens when we don't allow natural selection to take place.

Dunk Mckay
08-11-2012, 04:43 PM
The trouble with natural selection is that with self aware species the great thinkers tend to do a bit more of the thinking and a bit less of the, erm... other stuff. You end up with a lot of what sci-fi films often call 'breeders'.

Lol, j/k, the engineer always gets the girl (or guy) in the end.

The AFX Master
08-13-2012, 01:56 PM
I can't stress it enough, the poster IS a butthurt ex GF related to FSAE in some way.

That's why someone on the forum said that the car had to be named after her in order to him to really be able to pass time with "his gf".

Trolls, Trolls everywhere

08-13-2012, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by The AFX Master:
I can't stress it enough, the poster IS a butthurt ex GF related to FSAE in some way.

That's why someone on the forum said that the car had to be named after her in order to him to really be able to pass time with "his gf".

Trolls, Trolls everywhere
