D Herald
08-18-2005, 04:44 AM
UPDATED: I just had a meeting with the President of TEAMTECH Motorsports Safety, Inc. and we have been allowed to drop the price further on the harnesses for FSAE Teams. This is lowest price that we can possibly go and is very far below regular retail pricing. Please visit our website and download our Catalog for the pictures. These prices are good until December 31, 2005
TEAMTECH® Motorsports Safety, Inc. is pleased to offer special pricing on safety equipment that is tailored for Formula SAE teams. In order to get the special "FSAE Pricing"¯ you must have either a University Purchase order or a copy of the University's Letterhead through the purchasing department for your FSAE team. The team must also put a TEAMTECH sticker on the FSAE car since the pricing discount is a sponsorship. These racing harnesses meet and exceed SFI 16.1 ratings for driver restraint assemblies, and the arm restraints meet and exceed the SFI 3.3 ratings for driver accessories. TEAMTECH safety equipment has been approved for many years for use in the highest levels of stock car racing, formula car racing, road racing, monster trucks, acrobatic aero-planes, off road race buggies & trucks, and offshore power boats. TEAMTECH Motorsports Safety, Inc. is committed to an on going educational process to preserve a very high and reproducible quality of products through compliance with quality standards and specifications such as the ISO/QS-9000, and ISO/TS-16949 specifications, and the SFI Foundation, Inc.
TEAMTECH Motorsports has just added two more Harnesses for the FSAE Teams. You can go to http://www.teamtechmotorsports.com and download our 2005 Catalog to see a description and pictures that are on the botom of Page #6. These prices are good until December 31, 2005
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
4000, 5PT Latch/Link Bolt-In, $72.00
4002, 6PT Latch/Link Bolt-In, $78.00
Unpadded Cam-Lock (Rotary) 5-, 6-Point Harness:
The first style of harness is an unpadded 3"¯ harness available in a 5 and 6 point mount configuration and bolt in or snap in mounting. You are provided with the option of either pull-up or pull-down lap belt adjustments. It has been determined that the pull-up type lap belt adjustment is better in both adjustment power and placement versatility in tight seating arrangements. The pull-up lap belt will come standard unless specified otherwise. These harnesses are also outfitted with TEAMTECH's revolutionary pull loops and release tabs to release the harness pressure effortlessly and on demand while the pull loops assist in creating intense webbing adjustments using the thumbs only.
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
5000, 5 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Bolt-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $150.83
5001, 5 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Snap-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $161.34
5002, 6 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Bolt-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $159.24
5003, 6 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Snap-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $167.73
Colors: Black, Blue, Red, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Green, and Pink
Pro-Arm Restraints:
These arm restraints will keep your hands inside the cockpit instead of flopping around outside the car if you roll over. These are tough, high quality, and fully adjustable with Velcro® wrap-around straps.
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
3500, Pro-Arm Restraints, $27.66
Colors: Black, Blue, Red, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Green, and Pink
Helmet Supports:
Our helmet supports provide 360 degree support to the helmet while taking the weight of the helmet off the neck. This is crucial in reducing driver fatigue and to increase driver concentration. These supports are made with fire retardant foam with a Nomex outer shell (SFI 3.3 approved).
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
3600, Helmet Support, 360, SFI, $37.40
Colors: Black, Blue, Red
Tucker Helmet Harness:
The Formula SAE cars are getting faster every year. TEAMTECH has designed the Tucker Helmet Harness for a head and neck restraint device that professional racer have been using since 2001. This device works with your racing harness to limit your head movement during a crash, cornering, and severe breaking. It has been tested in a dynamic sled test program up to 50G's and the neck tension has been below 3200 Newton's during these impacts (Under 4170 Newton's passes the test). The major use of this device in Formula SAE will be to improved driver performance under hard cornering and breaking. The Tucker Helmet Harness will keep your head upright under these dynamic conditions without straining your body or neck. One Helmet Harness Mounting Kit is included with each Tucker Helmet Harness, but if you are going to use the device with multiple helmets we offer extra mounting kits (Part # 3705 below).
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
3700M, Tucker Helmet Harness, Mesh, $263.27
3705, Helmet Harness Mounting Kit, $35.41
At TEAMTECH we welcome the opportunity to exceed your safety needs, and to be a part of your safety efforts. For pictures and more information please visit our website at http://www.teamtechmotorsports.com, or contact us at 989-792-4880.
Thank you,
David P. Herald
Sales and Marketing
TEAMTECH Motorsports Safety, Inc.
Phone: (989)-792-4880
Fax: (989)-792-4858
TEAMTECH® Motorsports Safety, Inc. is pleased to offer special pricing on safety equipment that is tailored for Formula SAE teams. In order to get the special "FSAE Pricing"¯ you must have either a University Purchase order or a copy of the University's Letterhead through the purchasing department for your FSAE team. The team must also put a TEAMTECH sticker on the FSAE car since the pricing discount is a sponsorship. These racing harnesses meet and exceed SFI 16.1 ratings for driver restraint assemblies, and the arm restraints meet and exceed the SFI 3.3 ratings for driver accessories. TEAMTECH safety equipment has been approved for many years for use in the highest levels of stock car racing, formula car racing, road racing, monster trucks, acrobatic aero-planes, off road race buggies & trucks, and offshore power boats. TEAMTECH Motorsports Safety, Inc. is committed to an on going educational process to preserve a very high and reproducible quality of products through compliance with quality standards and specifications such as the ISO/QS-9000, and ISO/TS-16949 specifications, and the SFI Foundation, Inc.
TEAMTECH Motorsports has just added two more Harnesses for the FSAE Teams. You can go to http://www.teamtechmotorsports.com and download our 2005 Catalog to see a description and pictures that are on the botom of Page #6. These prices are good until December 31, 2005
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
4000, 5PT Latch/Link Bolt-In, $72.00
4002, 6PT Latch/Link Bolt-In, $78.00
Unpadded Cam-Lock (Rotary) 5-, 6-Point Harness:
The first style of harness is an unpadded 3"¯ harness available in a 5 and 6 point mount configuration and bolt in or snap in mounting. You are provided with the option of either pull-up or pull-down lap belt adjustments. It has been determined that the pull-up type lap belt adjustment is better in both adjustment power and placement versatility in tight seating arrangements. The pull-up lap belt will come standard unless specified otherwise. These harnesses are also outfitted with TEAMTECH's revolutionary pull loops and release tabs to release the harness pressure effortlessly and on demand while the pull loops assist in creating intense webbing adjustments using the thumbs only.
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
5000, 5 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Bolt-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $150.83
5001, 5 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Snap-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $161.34
5002, 6 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Bolt-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $159.24
5003, 6 Pt. Harness, Rotary Release, Snap-In,
With Pull Loops and Release Tabs, $167.73
Colors: Black, Blue, Red, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Green, and Pink
Pro-Arm Restraints:
These arm restraints will keep your hands inside the cockpit instead of flopping around outside the car if you roll over. These are tough, high quality, and fully adjustable with Velcro® wrap-around straps.
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
3500, Pro-Arm Restraints, $27.66
Colors: Black, Blue, Red, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Green, and Pink
Helmet Supports:
Our helmet supports provide 360 degree support to the helmet while taking the weight of the helmet off the neck. This is crucial in reducing driver fatigue and to increase driver concentration. These supports are made with fire retardant foam with a Nomex outer shell (SFI 3.3 approved).
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
3600, Helmet Support, 360, SFI, $37.40
Colors: Black, Blue, Red
Tucker Helmet Harness:
The Formula SAE cars are getting faster every year. TEAMTECH has designed the Tucker Helmet Harness for a head and neck restraint device that professional racer have been using since 2001. This device works with your racing harness to limit your head movement during a crash, cornering, and severe breaking. It has been tested in a dynamic sled test program up to 50G's and the neck tension has been below 3200 Newton's during these impacts (Under 4170 Newton's passes the test). The major use of this device in Formula SAE will be to improved driver performance under hard cornering and breaking. The Tucker Helmet Harness will keep your head upright under these dynamic conditions without straining your body or neck. One Helmet Harness Mounting Kit is included with each Tucker Helmet Harness, but if you are going to use the device with multiple helmets we offer extra mounting kits (Part # 3705 below).
Part#, Description, FSAE Price
3700M, Tucker Helmet Harness, Mesh, $263.27
3705, Helmet Harness Mounting Kit, $35.41
At TEAMTECH we welcome the opportunity to exceed your safety needs, and to be a part of your safety efforts. For pictures and more information please visit our website at http://www.teamtechmotorsports.com, or contact us at 989-792-4880.
Thank you,
David P. Herald
Sales and Marketing
TEAMTECH Motorsports Safety, Inc.
Phone: (989)-792-4880
Fax: (989)-792-4858