View Full Version : Vehicle Dynamics Seminar, Sydney, UK, US

07-20-2010, 02:36 PM
If you are interested in suspension design, anti-dive/squat, damping ratio's, vehicle modeling etc and really want to know how to make these things work check out,

DataandDynamics.com (http://www.dataanddynamics.com)

The seminars are being held by an author for Racecar Engineering mag and will be held late August in Sydney and in mid to late November in the UK and US.

All the best in this years builds,



07-21-2010, 02:02 AM
From a quick look at the website the seminar looks similar to what is covered in the Optimum G seminar but at far greater cost. Will there be a FSAE discount.

If students can only afford to make it to one seminar this year (either Data and Dynamics or Optimum G), what would you say to convince them to come to your seminar?

Will Danny be talking about how to use his sim program to get to better set ups quicker than just using the trial and error method?


07-21-2010, 05:01 PM
Hello everyone,

It's Danny here. So that we can tick off a few things here,

*The student cost is $495 including GST
*Their are group discounts available but contact us at Data and Dynamics for further details

What will be covered in the seminar is everything you wanted to know about vehicle dynamics but where afraid to ask. This also includes how to use vehicle simulation, and use it properly.

Guys where not just covering the how, we also covering the why. We are going to cover tyre modelling, suspension geometry, dampers, springs and inerters, stability, diffs, aero and how to really drive simulation properly.

In short after this seminar it's my goal that you'll have all the tools at your disposal to figure out just why a race car works, but you could use it as a basis to do your own sim software.

I personally am champing at the bit to present it. I think for you guys It will be a fantastic opportunity.

All the Best


07-24-2010, 06:12 PM
Hi Danny,

I have a couple more questions:

Will there be a folder of printed notes to take away?

Is the seminar catered?

Thanks for offering the seminar at a special price for students. I am interested in coming but I just did the MoTeC seminar (which was fantastic) in Melbourne so I'll have to see what funds and time are available.


07-25-2010, 04:54 PM

My friend there will be printed notes at the seminar and the seminar is fully catered for. This includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

I should also add that there is accomadation available at the venue. I think for twin share options it works out at $90 a head including breakfast. Just say your attending the Data and Dynamics seminar.

Also for those of your thinking of attending the Sydney seminar, and your coming from interstate get public transport to the venue. The venue is 200m away from Milsons Point railway station.

All the Best


07-26-2010, 07:14 AM
Some questions-

Ok. You're going over suspensions, tires, yatta yatta. Sounds very similar to the OptimumG seminar. What specifically makes your seminar the better option of the two? What do you present that they don't?

You mention you're going to be covering springs and inerters, aero, etc. Keeping in mind the FSAE audience you're marketing to here.. how much is directly applicable? You can make the argument that good race engineering and simulation is fundamentally similar at all levels, but the average FSAE engineer has so little exposure to this sort of stuff that I think you have to start small and build up. Given that many teams cannot get alignment and corner weights squared away.. getting into use of inerters seems a bit over the top.

Finally, what are the professional credentials behind this? Being an author for RCE Mag is great and all, but I find some of the articles are a mixed bag. Knowledge from what race series goes into this? Any key championships won? Any partners you're currently consulting for that give a better feeling for caliber of work?

Not trying to be overly critical, just want to make sure it's a good investment.

07-26-2010, 06:49 PM
Thanks exFSAE for all these questions and concerns. I was actually hoping someone would bring these up.

First of all my credentials and background. I have a masters in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Sydney that focused on race car simulation and setup optimisation. This was the foundation stone of ChassisSim. This was completed in 1998. Since then I have worked, in Europe, Australian and America in fields as driverse as F3, International F3000, A1GP, Sports prototypes, V8 Supercars and GT categories and other categories as a race and data engineer. All the while ChassisSim has been developed and refined as a direct result of those experiences.

ChassisSim is a high fidelity race car simulation package specifically evolved for motorsport applications. It's been used in fields as diverse as GP2, the IRL, V8 Supercars, F3, FIA GT, Sports prototypes, Tertiary Educational institutions and many more. I invite you to check out the website on www.chassissim.com (http://www.chassissim.com)

Even though the data and dyanmics seminar nominally covers the same material as the Optimum G seminar we are coming at it at a totally different angle. While I have not attended an Optimum G seminar, I have had a number of my customers and colleagues who have attended the Optimum G seminar and have encouraged me to do my own seminar. This has come as a direct result of the different perspective I have shared with them.

The Data and Dynamics seminar will be focusing not just on the how, but also the why. This is why I think it is of particular importance for the FSAE community. All too often I have seen young graduates exit the FSAE program full of confidence only to flounder when they encounter real race cars. I'm hoping this seminar can be part of addressing this as well as helping out in their current programs. Yes Inerters will be part of the presentation, but while I won't give anything away you'll see it's a small part of a very large picture.

Let me also say from the get go that this seminar will not be a two day ChassisSim sales seminar. If anything my goal is to give the participants the start points to do their own simulation packages as well as knowing both the how and the why so they can form their own conclusions.

I personally am very excited about what we'll be presenting and I can't wait to share it with you all.


07-26-2010, 09:58 PM
exFSAE, this seminar does not advertise in any way that it is intended for, or marketing to, 'the FSAE audience.'

It is a racecar engineering seminar with a student discount.

Therefore items which are of interest to racecar engineers, but not necessarily FSAE applicable, are to be expected.

Note, I am not associated with this seminar in any way.

07-27-2010, 05:06 AM
Good point. Still, would be nice to know a little more detail behind the seminar and organization.. just as I hadn't heard of it before.

08-02-2010, 06:14 PM
Since I also have horses, I can attest to the fact that they CHOMP on a bit, especially a copper one (or copper plated even). When they chomp, they also drool. And you know what that means... Same as students on a RACE Team.

If this course is for FSAE students, then I recommend you do a top down FSAE car design and virtual test. Something they can take home with them, eh? Otherwise, they are too often baffled by the BS, hypnotized by handwaving, and inebriated by the exuberance of the verbosity.

What's needed is a "FSAE for Dummies"...

10-25-2010, 05:07 PM
Hey Guys,

Just giving you an update on the US Data and Dynamics seminar for 2010. It's confirmed for Nov 29-30 for the Indiana Convention Centre at Indianapolis. This is the location of that the IMIS show will be held on Dec 1-3.

We had a strong FSAE contingent at the Sydney seminar on Aug 26-27 and everyone got a lot out of it. For a lot of the FSAE guys it was like someone turned the lights on.

The student price will be US$400. To register simply go to www.dataanddynamics.com (http://www.dataanddynamics.com) and type in the keyword STUDENT to get the student discount.

I’m Looking forward to seeing you at Indianapolis.
