View Full Version : We are more badass than Solar Car

03-24-2007, 11:32 PM
Solar Car's Head of Operations who is generally a nice guy and a friend of ours started to get on our nerves with his lack of understanding of vehicle dynamics and suspension geometry, but what sent me and Drew(our Frame/Suspension lead) over the edge were the horrible horrible Star Wars puns he was making upon his exit from our office and his implication that they were going to use the phrase "Come to the Bright Side" as a recruiting slogan for the Solar Car team. (Get it, bright, SOLAR!!!) So, me and Drew sat there in disbelief that the previous conversation had actually taken place, and came to the realization that if they are the bright side, we are most definitely the dark side... so in our quest for being ridiculous and badass, the following advertisement for our team was made:


Note the highly appropriate slogan in the bottom right hand corner. I love Photoshop.

03-24-2007, 11:32 PM
Solar Car's Head of Operations who is generally a nice guy and a friend of ours started to get on our nerves with his lack of understanding of vehicle dynamics and suspension geometry, but what sent me and Drew(our Frame/Suspension lead) over the edge were the horrible horrible Star Wars puns he was making upon his exit from our office and his implication that they were going to use the phrase "Come to the Bright Side" as a recruiting slogan for the Solar Car team. (Get it, bright, SOLAR!!!) So, me and Drew sat there in disbelief that the previous conversation had actually taken place, and came to the realization that if they are the bright side, we are most definitely the dark side... so in our quest for being ridiculous and badass, the following advertisement for our team was made:


Note the highly appropriate slogan in the bottom right hand corner. I love Photoshop.

Korey Morris
03-26-2007, 08:55 AM
Haha, facebook images are blocked for me at work, but i cant wait to see that one at home later. We ahve a similar relationship witht he solarcar team at Kentucky:


03-26-2007, 10:05 AM
Update: Solar Car has been pasting recruiting ads all over the place, which means it's time for me to grab a bunch of people and start street-teaming FSAE. I'm thinking of some new ad ideas... http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif