View Full Version : IET Withdrawn from FS UK?

Abhi Mittal
03-28-2009, 07:43 AM
I suppose this applies more to teams competing in the UK event but any comments will help.

It seems this year that the IET are not partnering in the event. From our team's perspective, it's a huge let down. Last year they put up multiple awards for electronics and the website award. This made FS a much more open and enticing contest and gave electronics engineers a big reason to get involved.

Many teams put in quite a bit of effort into their websites, which I'm willing to bet will get neglected if there is no website award.

Does anyone else feel strongly about this?

Abhi Mittal
03-28-2009, 07:43 AM
I suppose this applies more to teams competing in the UK event but any comments will help.

It seems this year that the IET are not partnering in the event. From our team's perspective, it's a huge let down. Last year they put up multiple awards for electronics and the website award. This made FS a much more open and enticing contest and gave electronics engineers a big reason to get involved.

Many teams put in quite a bit of effort into their websites, which I'm willing to bet will get neglected if there is no website award.

Does anyone else feel strongly about this?

03-29-2009, 04:39 AM
I don't think awards should have any effect on your technical solutions and corporate identity.

Is your team using more glue this year because of the Loctite award at FSG? Does not having a lightest drivetrain award make your drivetrain heavier?

Dave Evans
03-30-2009, 12:50 AM
I agree with Thrainer.

At the end of the day, the main objective is to build a car to the rules and compete in the events.

I feel FSUK had far too many awards last year, and thus made the final awards presentations dull, made your arse hurt from sitting down too long and made your hands hurt from all the clapping. Secondary (or even tertiary for things like websites) awards should either have a separate ceremony, or just be handed out before dynamic events or the day before endurance (Like FSG!)

Having a good website will make sponsors a little happier, but at the end of the day, making a good name for yourself should be down to how well your car is designed and how it does on track.

Good effective electronics design will aid your design event score, and possibly get you in to design finals if the rest of the car has good design.

I think, with or without the IET involved, you'll still find these types of awards at FSUK'09, just have a different sponsor.

Abhi Mittal
03-30-2009, 04:29 AM
Dave, Thrainer

I agree completely that it shouldn't change the attitude of the students involved and it probably won't (not mine anyway). However, we find that academics & sponsors suddenly become more receptive and interested when they hear that their professional organisations are involved.

We are a small team and work outside of any academic coursework etc. Having the IET onboard and the possibility of prizes/awards got academics more likely to allow FS work as project work. The thing is generally taken a little more seriously and formally. Similarly electronics company sponsors gave it more weight as their employees were IET members etc.

Either way, I hope the awards do continue. I agree they shouldn't undermine the main awards and don't really need a ceremony.

Thanks for the inputs!