View Full Version : Formula SAE Japan 2006 Competition: -Updates, Pictures, Stories and More

Big Bird
09-14-2006, 11:08 PM
Just hoping to get some news from the Japanese event. Wish we were there!

Good luck to all,

Big Bird
09-14-2006, 11:08 PM
Just hoping to get some news from the Japanese event. Wish we were there!

Good luck to all,

09-15-2006, 09:03 AM
I am also eager to here any news from Japan, maybe OFRAC can fill us in.

I know the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Team and Car arived intact, but haven't heard anything since Wednesday. They have limited internet access.

09-15-2006, 09:13 PM
Yep, they had good internet before they changed hotels to go pickup the car.

Thats the last I heard from them.

Who would have thought...no internet access in Japan, i would have thought they'd all be wired up gps style with on the fly camera live on the internet or something http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

09-16-2006, 09:41 PM
Just got word:

Congrats to Sophia for a First place finish, and U of M Ann Arbor placed 3rd and won 7 awards.

09-17-2006, 02:18 AM
Anyone have all result??
I really want to know the Reasult...

09-17-2006, 07:15 AM
http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~lovelljc/JSAE/2006_JSAE_Design_Prelims.jpg http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~lovelljc/JSAE/2006_JSAE_Skidpad.jpg http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~lovelljc/JSAE/2006_JSAE_Accel.jpg
http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~lovelljc/JSAE/2006_JSAE_Autocross.jpg http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~lovelljc/JSAE/2006_JSAE_Enduro.jpg

FYI, skidpad and Accel were delayed and cut to one driver only, due to light rain, and the (very dry) course was still enforced as WET. Made for an interesting morning.

09-17-2006, 07:37 AM

Thanks!!! Very Muuuuuuuuuuch!!!

09-17-2006, 09:38 AM
Thanks RagingGrandpa for result.
JSAE will issue the official result.xls in some days.

We had a hard time with Inspection and couldn't run accel and skid.
my friend of kinki univ said scniteer of E place pointed out reservoir tank,
and at the re-inspection, scniteer of another place said "you don't have to fix this" http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_eek.gif

I don't know detail though, I heard that U of M pointed out mistake of scniteer...

Speed of autoX is faster than last year and our 30HP V2 doesn't catch up 4-bangers anymore http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

our machine...

I found the pic of Ulsan at noise/brake test.

Z at our hotel..

09-17-2006, 10:56 AM
13 cones for UM...I smell something fishy

09-17-2006, 05:18 PM
Seafood is a staple over here...

I drove enduro like a dumbass, pushing too hard and spun a few times, allowing them to get creative with penalties. Between the driving and the trying to dispute scoring with officials that don't speak our language, it ruined my day.

The car made it though, we're glad this one held up for so long. The engine's been in the car since the 5th of May...

After enduro, to their credit, the officials were really cool about use of the practice track, so a UM, Sophia, and Kanazawa driver each took a spin in the other's car. I'm fairly sure no such thing would be accomodated in Detroit.

And huge congrats to the home team for thrashing ND, that was excellent news to get on the other side of the world.

09-17-2006, 05:26 PM
Thanks for our car's picture... to OFRAC...

This is our second time in J-FSAE..
We couldn't Accel&Skid too. Cause could't pass noise test.

We try to Supercharger to low band of engine. Power is good. But We didn't have enough time to test. ã…*..ã…œ

Would you send to me some picture about competition??? if you do that.. I really appreciate it...

My e-mail is smasheart@hanmail.net

09-17-2006, 06:45 PM
The rules ended up being VERY different from rules for the FSAE competition in Detroit, and rule changing occured numerous times during the event which is completely unacceptable. I'm not here to complain, but I was frustrated numerous times with sudden rule changes that occured on a judge's whim. A note to teams planning on attending JFSAE in the future is that english is NOT an official language even though it is advertised as such, since none of the staff spoke any; you will need someone who speaks Japanese fluently which we luckily had.

That said, the event was awesome experience that I will not soon forget. Other team members were incredibly polite and friendly even with the significant language barrier present. Huge thanks to the overall winners Sophia; we are very glad to see you win the overall competition and had a fucking great time afterward.

Oh yeah someone stole my team shirt...I hope you choke on it...

09-20-2006, 01:17 PM
Official results are online from JSAE-

Unfortunately they're not any more detailed than those posted above, no vehicle costs, endurance hot laps, etc.

The list of awards is up too: http://www.jsae.or.jp/formula/en/4th/result.html
Who knew they had a "Best Web Site Award"?!?

Steve Yao
09-21-2006, 01:40 AM
I believe Formula Student has an event/award for best website, or use of the web.

09-21-2006, 06:15 AM
I wish i could have made it to the JFSAE event but our planned fuji climb was moved to the same weekend and i could not convince everyone to drop in at the event on the way home.
6 out of the 9 of us were past FSAE students!
Ohwell, there is always next year.

Big Bird, if you plan to bring this years AUS car to Japan next year drop me an email.