View Full Version : Adam Aircraft Industries - More Positions Open

James Waltman
11-01-2005, 07:16 PM
Almost exactly a year ago I responded to a post here by Erik C. about job opportunities at Adam Aircraft Industries. (http://fsae.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/681600868/m/3086016705)
I started working here this past summer. So it's time for me to give back a little.

We are still growing and we need to hire some more people. You can see what positions are currently available here:

A few of us here are FSAE graduates. I think that we convinced our boss that the only way he is going to find people with the skill set he is looking for is to hire more FSAE people like us.
So don't let me down.
Send your resume to james dot waltman at adamaircraft dot com

Let me know when you will be available (we will probably have positions open when next summer rolls around too). Play up all of the skills you learned in FSAE. Concept Development, Design, CAD, Welding, Machining, Fabrication, etc are all a plus. Composites experience is a big plus.
Send a portfolio of your work if you have one. Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions.

The Website:

The P.R. Blurb:
The A500 (http://adamaircraft.net/specifications.asp) is a pressurized, twin-engine aircraft with centerline thrust. Its 21st-century design and carbon-fiber composite construction deliver unprecedented performance in an airplane that is safe and fun to fly.

The A700 AdamJet (http://adamaircraft.net/specifications700.asp) is revolutionizing the value proposition in the Very Light Jet (VLJ) business jet class by delivering exceptional performance and comfort at a fraction of the ownership cost. Modern airframe design and materials, coupled with highly efficient turbofan engines, usher in a new era of business jet travel.

11-08-2005, 10:39 AM
Very impressive aircraft. I have always been a fan of the pusher prop aircraft but even a bigger fan of the counter-rotating pusher pullers. Very elegant design solutions for both aircraft. Equal parts Burt Rutan Long EZ, Dornier 335, and 0-2 skymaster(cessna).




I have always been really into aircraft design. If it werent for cars thats what I would be doing right now. Check out this site. Very intersting aircraft designs that would have been if we didnt smoke the germans.


James Waltman
11-08-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Rob Woods:
...Equal parts Burt Rutan Long EZ, Dornier 335, and 0-2 skymaster(cessna)...

The Rutan influence is greater than the other influences you mentioned.

Scaled Composites is Rutan's company.

Justin Ulland
06-05-2007, 05:14 PM
I've got two positions open in the A700 Structures group at the moment. Both of which I'd like to fill as soon as possible with the right people. If you've learned how to get things done in FSAE then you'd fit in here.

Both the A700 Structures Internship and the A700 Structures CAD Design position will be good opportunities to get your foot in the door at a young and dynamic company with a very bright future. Come help us complete certification on the A700 and get a chance to work in an atmosphere that has many of the same aspects that we all loved about FSAE.

Email your resume to jobs@adamaircraft.com, Attn Justin Ulland and I'll be able to review it.

There are a ton of Ex-FSAE guys here, its a place where you'll be given as much as you show you can handle, and you will truly be part of a team, not just a number. We work hard, but its worth it to see our birds in the air, a lot like seeing your car cross the finish line of the Endurance Event.

Let me know if you're interested to join the team.

Kind Regards,
Justin Ulland
A700 Structures Engineering Manager
Adam Aircraft

2000-2003 University of Wollongong Alumn

Erik C
07-24-2007, 10:38 AM
Four more positions have opened up. As you can see, Adam Aircraft has hired a lot of FSAE alumni and I would like to add to that list. I currently have four openings. Two for weights engineers and two for weight reduction structural analysis engineers.

The weights engineers would be responsible for tracking, analyzing and predicting the weight of our aircraft. In addition, you will be working with the structural analysis department in determining areas where weight can be saved, and then implementing the required design changes. A strong organizational ability is a requirement, as is a desire to make things happen. (Get it done)

For the structural analysis positions, a strong analytical background, preferably with experience with composite (classic lamination theory) analysis, FEA and hand analysis techniques. But more importantly is your ability to simplify complex problems to those that a solution can be found for in a reasonable amount of time.

Both of these positions will involve working on the entire aircraft. You will become familiar with everything from structures, to electrical systems. If you are interested please do not hesitate to send an email to jobs@adamaircraft.com and ask for Erik Carlson.

BTW, did anyone mention that we are located in Denver, CO? http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Erik Carlson
Lead Structural Analysis Engineer
Adam Aircraft
University of Minnesota FSAE 00-02

07-30-2007, 04:49 PM
Erik, check your P.M.

Scott Jones

Justin Ulland
07-20-2011, 09:57 PM
Well, Adam Aircraft is bankrupt now and disbanded, but I can say that the FSAE experience is still highly valued in industry. The skills you learn building these cars will make you valuable for employers in all industries.

I've been working for Blue Origin on rockets since Adam Aircraft went bankrupt in 2008. We currently have a position open for an additional structural engineer. Get on the blue origin website and send in a resume if you are interested and qualified. This position is not entry level, we are looking for a top notch engineer with minimum 5, likely 10-15 years experience and a very strong track record.

Kind Regards,
Justin Ulland
University of Wollongong Alum, 2000-2003

12-17-2011, 11:15 PM
I've got two positions open in the A700 Structures group at the moment. Both of which I'd like to fill as soon as possible with the right people. If you've learned how to get things done in FSAE then you'd fit in here.

01-12-2012, 05:27 PM
Is this position at Triton Aerospace? My understanding is that Adam Aircraft went bankrupt.