View Full Version : Chain tensioner dimensions (or 3D cad)

08-28-2012, 05:01 AM
Hello everyone,

This is my first post here, so I'd be grateful for understanding.

Do any of You guys have dimensions (or CAD model) of roller chain tensioner (used i.e. in ATVs), such as mentioned in this article:
http://www.off-road.com/atv/re...phase-iii-21827.html (http://www.off-road.com/atv/review/youth-atv-suspension-upgrade-phase-iii-21827.html)

This year we decided to use rear Aluminium subframe, so adding any eccentric tensioner would make no sense. Only useful solutions are these, where we can add tension directly to our chain, without moving rear sprocket.

Thanks for any useful informations,

Paul Achard
08-28-2012, 11:19 AM
1. Have you tried contacting the manufacturer (Hpd)?

2. How do you figure an eccentric tensioner would "make no sense"? Have you considered shims or jackscrews?

08-28-2012, 11:44 AM
1. Have you tried contacting the manufacturer (Hpd)?

2. How do you figure an eccentric tensioner would "make no sense"? Have you considered shims or jackscrews?

1. Not yet, because I'm not certain which tensioner model I'd like to use. Any dimensions would be useful for us - this is why i wrote this post.

2. Maybe it could make sense, but not with our current design - we want to mount our spool bearings in sockets milled in our rear subframe (made from aluminium plate). Making an eccentric tensioner would make this design way more complicated...
I think that using roller tensioner would be much easier and simplier, but I am receptive to your ideas - if You want to tell me any.

Thanks for reply,

Owen Thomas
08-28-2012, 12:23 PM
Looks like you're going to have trouble getting dimensions for an odd part like this, even if you do contact the manufacturer.

Honestly, I would just make your own. Just from looking at the thing I bet it's possible to make several with some sheet steel and $10 of parts from McMaster Carr (or a hardware store). Plus then you know it fits your car, does exactly what you want and is easily replaceable. Good mini project for a first year member too.