View Full Version : Garrett GT12 Compressor and Turbine map??

11-29-2006, 08:59 PM
Guys, any one has data for Garret GT12 Compressor and Turbine map? Other turbocharger data is also appreciated. Thanks!!

11-29-2006, 09:02 PM
And it would be great if anybody has the detailed CAD drawing for this turbo to share...

Kenny T Cornett
11-29-2006, 09:16 PM
To put a stop to any negative remarks...

Please search. There is an AWESOME package on this site that includes many pictures, 2D cad drawings, a set of 3D drawings, maps for both sides, as well as the GT15v maps, drawings, diagrams, etc. Also includes draining info, sponsorship info, and Honeywell logos for use on the car...

11-29-2006, 09:36 PM
Thanks for mentioning this Kenny. I did search the forum, and the package you mentioned is probably what I have found too. It is the same one as I obtained from our team. However there are only two 2D drawings for the turbos, GT12 and GT15. The maps are in doc file. We tried to pull out the data from the maps manually, but the Ricardo does not realy like it. We are still working on it. So I am wondering if any team has successfully done this in Ricardo.

The 2D drawings only shows critical dimensions for the turbos. Otherwise we are just not good enough to put it in Solidworks by ourselves. One thing should be mentioned here is that the compressor map for GT15V seems to be a wrong one. We searched on Garret official site and the maps come different. The title of that map is "GT14" too. So I guess there is some mistakes.

We are continue working on it, and will share any valuable outcomes later on. If any other team has any suggestions, please give a shout out. We will be really appreciated. Thanks.

Kirk Feldkamp
11-29-2006, 09:45 PM
The maps you're talking about are correct. The name on the map just depends on what the lab tech wrote in the data file as the name (ie GT14). It's not a big deal. During development lots of mixing and matching occurs, so things like that happen. To the best of my knowledge, the maps you found are the correct maps for the wheel and housing that comes on the GT12 and GT15V that we provide for FSAE teams.

This is the topic that you're looking for:



11-29-2006, 09:52 PM
Great appreciation Kirk! Thanks for the support.

11-29-2006, 09:55 PM
Ooops.. the download links provided in that topic are expired... Could you send me the Solidworks files for GT12 only? Thank a lot...

Kirk Feldkamp
11-29-2006, 10:37 PM
No it's not expired. Look at James' post with the big picture of the compressor housing. It's all downloadable from there.


11-29-2006, 10:50 PM
Thanks for the patience Kirk. I downloaded well. Hope them work fine with Solidworks...

Homemade WRX
11-30-2006, 09:42 AM
the links are downloading for me right now

Joy Pathak
12-03-2006, 07:48 AM

Oak finish... ya likkkee??? lol

It's done in Solidworks. I am finishin up on GT -15.. but gotta wait until exams r done.

want a copy? send me a cookie.


