View Full Version : Audio book for automotive stuff

05-19-2012, 12:21 PM
So I was wondering if anyone on here has come across a Vehicle dynamics or automotive engineering related AUDIO book that I could listen to on my commute to school. It's about a 45 minute-1 hour commute and it would be awesome to learn/recap on stuff I know while driving.

05-19-2012, 12:21 PM
So I was wondering if anyone on here has come across a Vehicle dynamics or automotive engineering related AUDIO book that I could listen to on my commute to school. It's about a 45 minute-1 hour commute and it would be awesome to learn/recap on stuff I know while driving.

Kirk Feldkamp
05-19-2012, 07:02 PM
If you want something entertaining...

http://shop.carbonpressonline....rfrnt02?categoryId=6 (http://shop.carbonpressonline.com/category.sc;jsessionid=68EED56BEDFC30879688B072370 9E793.qscstrfrnt02?categoryId=6)

I have both CD sets, and they're both awesome! Makes me wish I had been born in a different era! Smokey is a legend, and his stories are pretty epic.
