View Full Version : Please help turbo tune F4i

Boosted banshee
03-16-2011, 01:31 AM
Okay here goes,
I currently have a f4i engine in a custom quad frame the internals are bone stock and I have a t25 oil/water cooled turbo setup. I run 110 octane and have a fairly large intercooler for the space requirements. The past season the bike ran good at about 5 lbs with just a powercommander for the fuel maps. Then I jumped the boost to about 9 lbs or so and fried the rings and clutch in one trip I have 3 spare motors and have purchased a yoshimura EMs so i can now control timing as well. I am about to tear the bike down and swap out one of my engines, my questions are ...
What kind of boost will a stock engine support?
When and how much timing do i need to take out?
Colder plugs?
Will the yosh EMS suffice for proper tuning?
Do i need to buy a wide band o2 sensor to constantly monitor a/f?
Stock injectors handle 8-12 psi?
Do I need a 3 bar map sensor if so will a gm sensor work?
Any and all help to get her back racing and tuned would be appreciated I am not an expert tuner however have built this project from ground up and very well mechanically inclined. If you need more information. Feel free to call me (910-546-5492) or email blublazerusmc@aol.com thank all of you for your time and or advise.

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
03-16-2011, 09:34 AM
Boosted Banshee,

We have a plug and play engine control system for the 4Fi. I sent you an email as well. If you have any specific questions or you think that I can help please give me a call or email offline.

Good luck.