View Full Version : Final Year Project

07-08-2008, 04:04 AM
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. I'm from Malaysia and i'm currently pursuing a degree in electrical & electronics engineering. I've just started my final year and we are required to choose a title for our final year project. My friends(studying mechanical engineering) just came up with an idea of constructing a FSAE race car. So, i would like to ask for some help on what title can i propose on the electrical/electronics side. I must be doing something specific on the car and yet the scope must be wide enough. Thank you.

07-08-2008, 04:04 AM
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. I'm from Malaysia and i'm currently pursuing a degree in electrical & electronics engineering. I've just started my final year and we are required to choose a title for our final year project. My friends(studying mechanical engineering) just came up with an idea of constructing a FSAE race car. So, i would like to ask for some help on what title can i propose on the electrical/electronics side. I must be doing something specific on the car and yet the scope must be wide enough. Thank you.

07-08-2008, 04:37 AM
Dashboard/ F1 Style multi-purpose steering-wheel.
That's a nice place to start off with electronics for a new team.
It'll involve designing a pcb with a microcontroller or a FPGA on it which collects the data, processes, and forwards them to the "insturments" (some LEDs and a display or a servo if you prefer the mechanical instrument style).

Samo Simonian
07-08-2008, 10:52 AM

I'd suggest making taking a look at how many people you have, and which you can have on the electrics/electronics system. Than make a list on what has to be done in that system and start with the most important things.

I'm sure the basic choice of electronic systems, with the proper 'neighboring' components and a good wiring harness can be done as a final thesis subject.
An often made mistake is rushing into fancy stuff immediatly without getting the basics right. If someone can get those basics ok, than the beforementioned multi-purpose steering wheel is an excellent example for an extra system on the car.
If you have to develop something yourself, It may be nice to choose a good DAQ system buy and install it, and parrallely develop your own, having it compatible with the bought one. Then don't make it fancy, but make it work, with lots รณ channels.

Ah well, there's loads of stuff to do

Good luck,
