View Full Version : Dyno Software, anyone?

03-31-2004, 02:58 AM
Does anyone know of a cheap or free program that we could use to monitor a homemade waterbrake chassis dyno?

It would need programmable inputs for a pressure transducer, hall sensor, WB 02, more would be nice (like TPS, MAP, det, etc...)

Know of any data cheap data acquisition software that will work? I don't want to write my own software. Let me know what you guys use.


03-31-2004, 02:58 AM
Does anyone know of a cheap or free program that we could use to monitor a homemade waterbrake chassis dyno?

It would need programmable inputs for a pressure transducer, hall sensor, WB 02, more would be nice (like TPS, MAP, det, etc...)

Know of any data cheap data acquisition software that will work? I don't want to write my own software. Let me know what you guys use.


03-31-2004, 03:05 AM
You could whip something up using a university license of labview, that would probably be the most convenient. You could even try to beg some interface hardware from the National Instruments rep.


Kirk Feldkamp
03-31-2004, 12:24 PM
If you already have access to labview that will be your cheapest solution.