View Full Version : The presentation event requirements?

04-03-2007, 10:24 PM
Hi everybody. As I've said before, I'm the main presenter of our team(IUTFS) for Engalnd and Germany. But this is the first time we compete in such an event.
Anybody can help me with teling me about the atmosphere of the event. Mean what we need to present there? What kind of posters? Or anything else.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

04-03-2007, 10:24 PM
Hi everybody. As I've said before, I'm the main presenter of our team(IUTFS) for Engalnd and Germany. But this is the first time we compete in such an event.
Anybody can help me with teling me about the atmosphere of the event. Mean what we need to present there? What kind of posters? Or anything else.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

Scott Borg
04-03-2007, 11:24 PM
My first suggestion is to read the rules, at least three times. They are pretty specific as to how each aspect of the competition will take place. The rules for the U.S. FSAE competitions are at www.sae.org (http://www.sae.org)

After you've done that, here are a few topics regarding this:


In my experience, the design presentation is when a team of judges grills you about your car's design. Each judge has a specialty and it's likely they will ask specific questions about that specialty, so be prepared for that. My team didn't make it to design semifinals, so we tried to find unique aspects of the teams that did. Many of the teams in semifinals had large posterboards with charts on them. Some of these posters included data obtained from testing. Many teams brought spare parts like differentials, uprights, and other things that would be difficult to display without disassembling the vehicle.

Hope this helps,

04-04-2007, 12:56 AM
I see this confusion all the time on here, but the design event is NOT the presentation event and the presentation event is NOT the cost and manufacturing event.

The presentation event is a presentation of your car as the being the best choice for the company to buy and manufacture. It is typically a powerpoint based presentation.

It should inlclude anything a company would need to make a decision to purchase your design. This means you need to identify your target market and not just at the level identified in the rules. A detailed idea of who would buy these cars and what they want should be included. From here you need to translate that into the design criteria and identify how your car matches what the customer wants. Next you would want to highlight the manufacturability and profitability of your design. This should include things like start up costs, lead times, manufacturing throughput, profit per car, and time to profitability.

How you share these things and the mediums you use are up to you. Additionally, you will probably want some sort of personal flair to differentiate your presentation from all of the others.

04-06-2007, 05:42 AM
I have another question.
Where are the presentation events, mean both design and cost, held?
Is it done in each teams pit, or all of the presentations are judged at the same place and the others can watch this judgement?
Thanks in advance.