View Full Version : FOR SALE: £300 for Four Unused Hoosier 13" Racing Slicks - 20.5x7.0-13 [C2500] R25B

11-10-2012, 06:15 AM
New team, University of Leicester Racing here. We purchased four 13" Hoosier racing slick tyres last year but never got round to using them and have since moved to a 10" setup.

The tyres are item number 43162 on Hoosier FSAE Tyres (http://www.hoosiertire.com/rrtire.htm)

We're looking to sell these to any UK team that is interested in picking up a bargain! It's £300 for all four tyres which is a great deal cheaper than what is offered on the Hoosier website. You can pick them up or we can organise a courier to send them to you for an extra cost.


Any offers/questions please email leicesterracing@gmail.com

Harvey Hayman
Head Of Suspension
University Of Leicester Racing (http://www.leicester-racing.co.uk)

11-16-2012, 12:29 PM
You sir have an e-mail http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

ART-Afeka Racing Team
12-22-2012, 08:20 AM
We are interested,
E-mail Sent.

Ayush Maheshwari
03-09-2013, 09:34 AM
R the tires still availabe?? If yes, could they be shipped to india??