View Full Version : Lambda LM2 Lambdacontroller

10-24-2012, 07:30 AM
Hello Everybody,

we have a LM2 Lambdacontroller with the oxygen sensor, the inductive speed sensor nd the software to sell! All is completly new. Only one time used.

http://lm-1.de/Lambdamessung/L...II-Einkanal--14.html (http://lm-1.de/Lambdamessung/LM-2-Lambdacontroller-Datenlogger-mit-OBD-II-Einkanal--14.html)

Regards Phil

12-07-2012, 12:36 AM
Hello phil,
Are u still selling the LM2 wideband sensor ? plz pm me with some pics.

Akshay TUW
12-07-2012, 07:57 AM
hello phil,
is it still available for sell??
if so., then what is the price you are expecting?