View Full Version : Hill-Climb events for UK teams

09-12-2004, 11:19 AM
Recently, Loughborough and Swansea attended the Prescott Speed Hill-Climb event with a view to displaying the cars and hopefully get the ball rolling with respect to a hill-climb series for Formula Student teams.

We were able to demonstrate our cars on track, and all in all it was a very worthwhile and enjoyable event. I've put some photos on our website, see here (http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~ttds/Media/News/News%20Items/2004-09-11%20Prescott%20Hill-Climb/2004-09-11%20Prescott%20Hill-Climb.htm).

The owners of the Prescott Event are keen on the idea of an FS type class next year, so if there's enough serious interest, it could happen. There are obviously some pretty major issues to consider, especially with respect to the regulations, but this is the time to start talking about it...

If you'd be interested, and think you could seriously commit to some extra events next year then please get in touch by emailing me at Prescott-Speed@LUmotorsport.co.uk and we'll go from there...


09-12-2004, 11:19 AM
Recently, Loughborough and Swansea attended the Prescott Speed Hill-Climb event with a view to displaying the cars and hopefully get the ball rolling with respect to a hill-climb series for Formula Student teams.

We were able to demonstrate our cars on track, and all in all it was a very worthwhile and enjoyable event. I've put some photos on our website, see here (http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~ttds/Media/News/News%20Items/2004-09-11%20Prescott%20Hill-Climb/2004-09-11%20Prescott%20Hill-Climb.htm).

The owners of the Prescott Event are keen on the idea of an FS type class next year, so if there's enough serious interest, it could happen. There are obviously some pretty major issues to consider, especially with respect to the regulations, but this is the time to start talking about it...

If you'd be interested, and think you could seriously commit to some extra events next year then please get in touch by emailing me at Prescott-Speed@LUmotorsport.co.uk and we'll go from there...


09-12-2004, 11:45 AM
I looked around the Loughborough website and saw the pictures of the Prescott Hillclimb and saw one of a green car fsae sized car being hoisted back down the hill with an ambulance in waiting. I was hoping you could fill me in a little bit as to what happened?

09-12-2004, 02:12 PM
No real drama - it was Swansea being hoisted back down the hill after their RH drive shaft sheared...