View Full Version : intake exhaust tubing muffler air filter throttle body supplier links

06-27-2005, 11:12 AM
Unfortunately, there is no LINKS page on the FSAE.com website, so I'm going to try to put one together to help everyone. I'm asking for help with website links to part manufacturers/suppliers. The plan is to have links for drivetrain, engine, intake and exhaust, oils and fluids, electronics, engine management, data acquisition, suspension and dampers, chassis, brakes, body, rims/wheels, and tires.

This one is intake and exhaust systems. If you know of anymore intake and exhaust options, please reply with a website link.

1. K&N Engineering http://www.knfilters.com/
2. UNI Filter http://www.unifilter.com/
3. Burns Stainless http://www.burnsstainless.com/
4. Headers by Ed http://www.headersbyed.com/index.htm
5. Wolf Aircraft Products, Inc. http://www.woolfaircraft.com/
6. Road Race Engineering http://www.roadraceengineering.com/hackertweekerparts.htm
7. Honeywell (Garrett) http://www.honeywell.com/sites/ts/tt/aboutus_formulaSAE.htm
8. Muzzys http://www.muzzys.com
9. Yoshimura http://www.yoshimura-rd.com/default2.asp
10. Micron http://www.micron-exhaust.com/
11. Dwyer Air Velocity Measurement http://www.dwyer-inst.com/htdocs/airvelocity/AirVelocityIntroduction.cfm
12. Efunda Air Flow http://www.dwyer-inst.com/htdocs/airvelocity/AirVelocityIntroduction.cfm
13. Performance Coatings http://www.performancecoatings.com/
14. Trent Tube http://www.trent-tube.com/Trent/Default.htm

06-27-2005, 11:12 AM
Unfortunately, there is no LINKS page on the FSAE.com website, so I'm going to try to put one together to help everyone. I'm asking for help with website links to part manufacturers/suppliers. The plan is to have links for drivetrain, engine, intake and exhaust, oils and fluids, electronics, engine management, data acquisition, suspension and dampers, chassis, brakes, body, rims/wheels, and tires.

This one is intake and exhaust systems. If you know of anymore intake and exhaust options, please reply with a website link.

1. K&N Engineering http://www.knfilters.com/
2. UNI Filter http://www.unifilter.com/
3. Burns Stainless http://www.burnsstainless.com/
4. Headers by Ed http://www.headersbyed.com/index.htm
5. Wolf Aircraft Products, Inc. http://www.woolfaircraft.com/
6. Road Race Engineering http://www.roadraceengineering.com/hackertweekerparts.htm
7. Honeywell (Garrett) http://www.honeywell.com/sites/ts/tt/aboutus_formulaSAE.htm
8. Muzzys http://www.muzzys.com
9. Yoshimura http://www.yoshimura-rd.com/default2.asp
10. Micron http://www.micron-exhaust.com/
11. Dwyer Air Velocity Measurement http://www.dwyer-inst.com/htdocs/airvelocity/AirVelocityIntroduction.cfm
12. Efunda Air Flow http://www.dwyer-inst.com/htdocs/airvelocity/AirVelocityIntroduction.cfm
13. Performance Coatings http://www.performancecoatings.com/
14. Trent Tube http://www.trent-tube.com/Trent/Default.htm

CMURacing - Prometheus
06-27-2005, 11:25 AM
Jet Hot Performance Header Coatings: http://www.jethot.com

Chris Boyden
06-27-2005, 11:54 AM
Throttle Bodies: Jenvey http://www.jenvey.com
Injectors: RC Engineering http://www.rceng.com

Chris Boyden
06-27-2005, 12:09 PM
Generic Instructions for Intake/Fuel Injection Fabrication http://www.sdsefi.com

06-28-2005, 09:39 AM
what about tubing expanders/flarers (spelling) do we know where to get any of thoes in our small sizes?

Chris Boyden
06-28-2005, 10:14 AM
S and S Headers : http://www.ssheaders.com

06-28-2005, 12:11 PM
Steel tubing - Magnum Force Racing: http://www.magnumforceracing.com/

06-28-2005, 01:27 PM
Vertex: exhaust tubing, bends, silicone tubing