View Full Version : Gt12 Turbo: oil and water data required...

03-06-2006, 06:35 AM
Hello all,
I wonder if someone can recommend about:
1.Oil inlet flow rate, and recommended inlet Temp.
2.Water inlet flow rate, and recommended inlet Temp.
3.Does the use of oil cooling unit is mandatory?(and does the inlet flow rate are different when there is/isn't such unit available)

Thanks ahead for the help.

03-06-2006, 06:35 AM
Hello all,
I wonder if someone can recommend about:
1.Oil inlet flow rate, and recommended inlet Temp.
2.Water inlet flow rate, and recommended inlet Temp.
3.Does the use of oil cooling unit is mandatory?(and does the inlet flow rate are different when there is/isn't such unit available)

Thanks ahead for the help.

Kirk Feldkamp
03-06-2006, 03:32 PM
All the required info is on the drawings we provide.

Water cooling the center housing isn't required, but recommended. There does not need to be a pump to move the water. It works on the principle of a thermal syphon. Oil cooling isn't required, but proper filtration is key. Once again, all the specs you need are on the drawings.
