View Full Version : Race-Technology DL1 For FREE Plus Shipping

10-06-2012, 09:12 PM
Hey guys, I have a DL1 that is like 5 years old now. We were going to use it last year but decided to upgrade. So yes, it is free, but there is a catch.

It needs a new internal battery soldered on and a re-calibration. Also, I will send over our GPS unit but the cable on it is a bit beat up. I called up race-technology, I think they quoted me something like $200-300 to fix it up.

I think the regular DL1 still goes for 800 or so . We have no use for it and it it just sitting so I thought I would help a team in need =).

Powered it up last year, seemed fine. I don't know what enables it has. Also, it will come with a 256MB card... not sure if it works but I see no reason for it not to.

There is a picture below. All I ask for is $35, and i'll ship it via UPS to the con. US and include the hard case.

email is pitt.fsae at gmail dot com. First come first serve.

USA shipping only!



10-09-2012, 10:30 AM
I am interested, sending PM now.