05-15-2012, 07:48 AM
If anyone has found a GoPro that was left at the MIS campgrounds after competition, please let me know. My name is Adam Horan and I am willing to pay shipping to get it back.
My email is ahoran@go.uwracing.com and my cell is (262) 337-2932
It was a camera with a roll bar mount and an 8G sd card. My initials are written on tape on the camera itself.
Please spread the word to whoever may have been at the campsite after competition that may have seen it.
My email is ahoran@go.uwracing.com and my cell is (262) 337-2932
It was a camera with a roll bar mount and an 8G sd card. My initials are written on tape on the camera itself.
Please spread the word to whoever may have been at the campsite after competition that may have seen it.