View Full Version : Goods and Services for Trade: Saftey Wire Drilling and Carbon

Chase N
06-19-2006, 06:58 PM
Hey Guys I'm looking to trade a couple of things for whatever you got that sounds interesting

What I have to offer is.

Large and moderate size Carbon Fiber Scraps (Hexcel 670 weave) by the pound/or Bag

Safety Wire drilling of bolts
I am Damn good at it and can turn them around quickly.

Right now our best offer is carbon for tires which we are going to trade for.

We have lots of carbon and I can drill an entire car worth of screws and bolts per drill bit.
So if you want the bolts for your next car saftey wire drilled to save your selves time and frustration. Or you would like Carbon Fiber please let me know.


Chase N
06-27-2006, 02:33 PM
http://www.hexcel.com/NR/rdonlyres/640D5BDE-4964-4B90-8...44FAA957FC/0/670.pdf (http://www.hexcel.com/NR/rdonlyres/640D5BDE-4964-4B90-84D7-E444FAA957FC/0/670.pdf)

Chase N
07-08-2006, 08:51 PM
Free sample pieces!!!