View Full Version : CBR600F4i/RR differences

08-23-2011, 10:26 PM
Basically I'm trying to work out what the difference between the CBR600F4i and the CBR600RR is to see if it's possible to bolt a CBR600RR motor into the place of an F4i motor. So far I know that the main difference was the fuel injection, the bit that I'm having trouble with is whether the block, head, valvetrain, internals etc are the same between the two models. A bit of research around the web gives me mixed results, some people claim they're identical and some claim there are substantial differences. Is anyone able to shed some light on the issue, the main two things I'm looking to find out about are the ability to bolt an RR engine in place of an F4i and the ability to actually swap internals between them.

08-24-2011, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Menisk:
So far I know that the main difference was the fuel injection, the bit that I'm having trouble with is whether the block, head, valvetrain, internals etc are the same between the two models.
No, they are not. Different block, head and everything other than bore x stroke.

08-24-2011, 12:30 AM
Are you talking about dropping the RR into the bike or an old FSAE car?

Depending on the year, I think there are pretty significant differences... For one, the tranny linkages sit on top of the motor. I have heard (though not verified) that the mounting points are different as well. The internals might be iffy.

08-24-2011, 12:49 AM
That's what I was looking for, thanks. Basically we're running on one engine at the moment (F4i) and we're keen on the idea of having a second one hanging around incase something should go pear shaped at comp, either to be able to bolt in place or to grab parts from to attempt repairs. Was just curious to know if they were similar enough that we could look at CBR600RR engines as well as F4i just to open options up a bit more. I guess we'll just have to look for an F4 or an F4i.

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
08-24-2011, 10:51 AM
I second the comments above. Our experience is that an RR will not drop into the space occupied by an f4i without modification.

08-28-2011, 07:05 AM
For the info in this thread, they are close but different enough.

It is easy to make a static dyno cradle fit both motor's. For a car though, I wouldn't want to undertake the mods required to make it fit. Bolt in engine mounts would work though.

About our dyno cradle. It fit's both an F4 and an RR. Taking the large tube at the top rear of the motor as the datum, the front engine mounts move enough to re drill new holes. On our cradle this area is a solid billet.

The small bottom bolt holes at the rear of the motor (below the tube mentioned earlier) have to be elongated to fit both motor's, hence not wanting to do this on a car.
See below for photo's.


Doing this however, causes the RR to sit on an angle, a slight tilt backwards. The cradle was originally made for a F4, modified for a RR.

Outside of this, the sumps are different and even different between RR motor years. One of our 03 and 05 RR's has had a spacer machined up so that the pickup's are the same (sit's higher in one motor).

Other noticeable differences are the intake ports are larger on a RR, thus making fitting F4 intake boots difficult, but not impossible.
Also, the exhaust port is shallower on an RR. Ideally a spacer is need to bolt an RR exhaust up to a F4, but 2 copper washers with lots of silicone works as well.

Rex Chan
09-02-2011, 10:31 AM
Nice answer Boffin!

We've only used RR's so can't help you there.

However, just wanted to say something about the difference between a 03/04 and 05/06 CBR600RR: the oil pressure pump inlet feed diameters are different (the hole cast into the block changes in size). We run a dry sump, so needed to machine a new fitting to fit the different sizes.