View Full Version : Anything like FSAE

11-19-2005, 04:21 PM
Not much of a auto-x guy straight line stuff is more my style. is there anything like FSAE in the real world, someting like a experimental class. i know we can run is some SCCA events but not sure. I know there is like formula vee and dsr small factory built cars where tuning is what separates the drivers. i like FSAE because it us my ideas and innovation that make me and my car better than everyone else.

11-19-2005, 04:21 PM
Not much of a auto-x guy straight line stuff is more my style. is there anything like FSAE in the real world, someting like a experimental class. i know we can run is some SCCA events but not sure. I know there is like formula vee and dsr small factory built cars where tuning is what separates the drivers. i like FSAE because it us my ideas and innovation that make me and my car better than everyone else.

Bryan Homan
11-23-2005, 04:41 PM

I'm an ex-FSAEer and I'm currently putting together a DSR for next season in SCCA. I have to say that DSR is a place where inovation is still occuring. The rules are very limited. I would have to say that it is the closest thing to FSAE, that's why I'm involved. I'm in Centerville, drop me a line if you want to discuss it.


11-26-2005, 11:28 AM
Yeah i'm a drag racer at heart but wheel to wheel road racing i find really fun too. but beacause to school i can't participate in either or there events. where can i go to learn more about DSR i went to SCCA.com and it didn't really help much, is it a pro race event or is it like solo 2 or club racing. is it an easy thing to break into or do you have to work your way up the ranks so to speak.

Bryan Homan
11-27-2005, 04:36 PM

Check out http://dsr.racer.net/ That site gives you an overview of DSR and also links to the DSR Forum.


11-30-2005, 11:25 AM
I'd ask if you need any help but school, work next semester and running a SAE Baja/FSAE team is enough work.

12-02-2005, 11:38 PM
If your looking for straight line stuff, many of the 10.5 tire outlaw classes now running throughout the southeast are about as close as you can get to FSAE in the real world. Basically no rules racing where innovation on a week-to-week basic along with dead on reliability wins the race.

If your looking for road racing, look at NASA's American Iron Extreme class, basically as far as you can go starting with an American pony car as your base, innovation once again wins the race.

If your really bored and looking to go different, land speed racing has enough different classes of cars that at the end of the day it really is no rules racing. If you can think it up, build it and then lay down the speed, or not.

Circle track guys have supermodifieds, think FSAEish ideas, but at about 2500 lbs with 850 HP V-8s and 20 other cars on the track. There really is something out there if you look...

Nam Tran
12-11-2005, 10:46 PM

I'm also an ex-FSAEer designing/building a DSR but for the 2007 SCCA season. So far it's been much more fun for me to design because I don't have to deal with a crappy team. The funding that comes from having a real job helps a lot too.

kozak, DSR is an SCCA Club Racing class so you'd have to first get licensed. It allows for a lot of innovation as there are not that many rules. They also make life easy for those of us who are afraid of electricity as Traction Control, ABS, and all sorts of fun electronics are not allowed. Unfortunately I don't know much about drag racing classes to help you out.