View Full Version : PS-1 Caliper Mounting

03-22-2012, 06:42 PM
Hey guys,
We just got out calipers in yesterday and noticed the mounting holes on the 1.125" piston calipers are thru drilled for a 5/16" bolt while the 1" piston calipers are tapped for a 5/16". We designed our uprights assuming the calipers would be tapped (as they have been the last 3 years we've ordered them). I sent a call in to Wilwood today but caught them after business hours, so until I call them tomorrow I figured I'd see if any of you had any insight.

Have they changed the mounting holes for the 1.125" calipers recently or have they always been thru drilled? I am unsure of whether we've used 1.125" calipers before (we may have only ordered the 1") but I know for sure they've all been tapped.

03-22-2012, 06:42 PM
Hey guys,
We just got out calipers in yesterday and noticed the mounting holes on the 1.125" piston calipers are thru drilled for a 5/16" bolt while the 1" piston calipers are tapped for a 5/16". We designed our uprights assuming the calipers would be tapped (as they have been the last 3 years we've ordered them). I sent a call in to Wilwood today but caught them after business hours, so until I call them tomorrow I figured I'd see if any of you had any insight.

Have they changed the mounting holes for the 1.125" calipers recently or have they always been thru drilled? I am unsure of whether we've used 1.125" calipers before (we may have only ordered the 1") but I know for sure they've all been tapped.

03-22-2012, 06:47 PM
You can probably go down to Autozone ( or similar store ) and pick up some Heli-Coil ( or similar item ) to fix that situation. Should be able to drill, tap, and install them in about an hour.

Just google helicoil or thread repair kit if you don't know what I'm talking about

Der Krug
03-22-2012, 07:28 PM