View Full Version : Coefficient

11-14-2007, 04:49 AM

I have been working with carsim and I am trying to model our vehicles tires using pacejka method. The tire data supplied does not contain scaling factors, therefore I am missing upwards of 15 coefficients in the tire model. Would it be better to just add fy vs. slip graphs etc instead of the pacejka model

Also, when testing, what coefficient of friction are you guys using. I have done numerous readings, however I am having extreme difficulty as to what would be the range for wet and dry roads.

11-14-2007, 04:49 AM

I have been working with carsim and I am trying to model our vehicles tires using pacejka method. The tire data supplied does not contain scaling factors, therefore I am missing upwards of 15 coefficients in the tire model. Would it be better to just add fy vs. slip graphs etc instead of the pacejka model

Also, when testing, what coefficient of friction are you guys using. I have done numerous readings, however I am having extreme difficulty as to what would be the range for wet and dry roads.

11-14-2007, 07:38 AM
The pacejka scaling factors are all 1, by default, with exception of λμV which is default at zero.

The coefficient of friction varies with load as well as surface conditions. Wet roads are real difficult as there are different levels of wet. You should be able to solve for your coefficient of friction from your tire data/pacejka model at any given load.

11-14-2007, 10:37 AM
I might not have enough basic knowledge as to the importance of finding ONE coefficient of friction for vehicle modelling. I know that the coefficient will vary depending on normal load, and lateral/long force, but I am unsure of what coefficient value I should be analyzing values at. Like I said, I might not be doing this properly, but if anyone knows of journals or books as to how to determine optimal tires by analyzing force vs. slip angle/SR, that would be greatly appreciated. I have read RCVD chapter 2 and 14, and I understand the fundamentals, however, determining the better tire by analyzing plots has not became apparent to me.