View Full Version : Questions about Shock Rates and Responses

04-02-2004, 11:28 AM
I'm starting to become interested in shocks, and I have a couple of questions perhaps some of you might be able to answer.

Question 1
Say our car is in "mythical steady state cornering" at 1.3 g's...

Lets say the shock travel from rest is 10 mm at this point....

Where would you ideally like to see the transition from low-speed to high-speed response on a dyno plot?

10 mm.s^-1 ?
20 mm.s^-1 ?
(see point "x" in graph attached)

Question 2
Are you looking for your (transient roll stiffness?) "turn-in" (with a smooth driver) to be dominated by the "low-speed response" of the shock?

Question 3
If "yes" to question 2, is it ideal to have an equal "low speed response" in both rebound and compression?

Question 4
Or are you wanting the "high-speed response" to be dominate turn-in, and since rebound has typically a greater damping rate, you end up concentrating on rebound settings in transient lateral g's?

Question 3
If you are primarily tuning the transient lateral g's using rebound settings, does this mean the car will dive in transient lateral g's? (and get less roll on turn in / more roll on corner exit?)

Thx in advance to responses to this fairly confused questioning


Graph stolen without permission, and hacked in Photoshop http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

04-02-2004, 11:28 AM
I'm starting to become interested in shocks, and I have a couple of questions perhaps some of you might be able to answer.

Question 1
Say our car is in "mythical steady state cornering" at 1.3 g's...

Lets say the shock travel from rest is 10 mm at this point....

Where would you ideally like to see the transition from low-speed to high-speed response on a dyno plot?

10 mm.s^-1 ?
20 mm.s^-1 ?
(see point "x" in graph attached)

Question 2
Are you looking for your (transient roll stiffness?) "turn-in" (with a smooth driver) to be dominated by the "low-speed response" of the shock?

Question 3
If "yes" to question 2, is it ideal to have an equal "low speed response" in both rebound and compression?

Question 4
Or are you wanting the "high-speed response" to be dominate turn-in, and since rebound has typically a greater damping rate, you end up concentrating on rebound settings in transient lateral g's?

Question 3
If you are primarily tuning the transient lateral g's using rebound settings, does this mean the car will dive in transient lateral g's? (and get less roll on turn in / more roll on corner exit?)

Thx in advance to responses to this fairly confused questioning


Graph stolen without permission, and hacked in Photoshop http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Denny Trimble
04-02-2004, 11:38 AM
I was staring at that plot last night reading a certain shock manual. But, I can't answer your questions yet http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Still learning myself.

04-02-2004, 12:12 PM

I've been playing around with this data in the "motec sample".

Condition 1 = (Left Travel-Right Travel) /2 , and scaled to a "more typical FSAE value"

Condition 2 = Condition 1 filtered (ie.. it follows lateral G's)

Condition 3 = Condition 2 differentiated

Condition 4 = squat(+ve) , again scaled to a typical FSAE value

Condition 5 = Condition 4 filtered (follows longitudinal G's).. I swear I can see it squat in transient lateral G's

Condition 6&7 = travel differentiated (L&R scaled to typical FSAE value)

04-03-2004, 01:46 PM

Can anyone tell me if this simulink sheet is correct?

The assumptions are:

Rebound = Compression

SMCG equal heights front & rear

NSM at width of track, and equal on each corner.

Roll centre at ground, and in centre of car.

Usual small angle approximations

Mechanism movements neglected in force / moment balance calculations.

It is looking at a FSAE car going through corner entry in a fairly quick corner.(50km/ish)

There is only lateral acceleration, no longitudinal accelerations available.

The damper curve is put in a "lookup table". ((you must use rebound = compression .. or it wont work))



oh, and im wondering, what sort of damping ratios are usual for cars like these?

(im calculating damping ratio using sprung mass acting on the shock / damper system)

04-04-2004, 11:02 AM
a few more errors fixed now

oh there's a "switch" at the bottom to change to "steady state"

the "graphical output" sometimes gives strange outputs in "steady state mode"... but the numerical output is correct

Juan Romero
09-10-2004, 04:00 PM
Hi Frank,

As you, iΒ΄m starting to become interested in shocks. IΒ΄ve been reading the shock absorbers handbook. But there are some terms you handle I donΒ΄t understand very well.

What literature would you recommend me so I can try to answer your questions?

Help from anyone is welcome.
