View Full Version : Turbo Oiling options

Jay Fleming
01-27-2005, 12:59 PM
Hello all, I'm new to the board, if that matters. Anyways, I'm on the engine design team for the University of Oklahoma and we're debating on whether to use a turbo or not. One of the main problems is the oiling system for the turbo. I don't know if we should just try to use the engine's oiling system or run a seperate pump. Any help would be appreciated. And if you have any pics of previous setups, they would be appreciated. Thanks.

Jay Fleming
01-27-2005, 12:59 PM
Hello all, I'm new to the board, if that matters. Anyways, I'm on the engine design team for the University of Oklahoma and we're debating on whether to use a turbo or not. One of the main problems is the oiling system for the turbo. I don't know if we should just try to use the engine's oiling system or run a seperate pump. Any help would be appreciated. And if you have any pics of previous setups, they would be appreciated. Thanks.

Kirk Feldkamp
01-27-2005, 05:09 PM
DO NOT use a separate pump, it's a bad option! I screwed up the first time http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_mad.gif and put the turbo just a little too low and had to add an oil scavenge pump. I really wouldn't recommend that route at all. Just make sure you get the turbo up higher so you can get a good drain back to the pan. For cars as light as ours, adding a pump is a bad compromise for raising the CG a tiny tiny bit.

As for the pressure side, we just hook up to where the oil pressure switch was on the bike. You'll likely have to add a restriction of some sort to get the oil pressure to the center housing down to where it needs to be.

Some older pics of the system can be found at http://me.berkeley.edu/ME102B_S05/ ---> Click on Fall 2003 ---> Formula SAE Turbo System ---> system pictures. There is some incorrect info on the actual system setup on there, so just check out the pics.
