View Full Version : Taylor Race differential weight

01-23-2008, 06:34 AM

I am looking for some specification about the TPE/TRE Automatic Torque Biasing Differential System (http://www.tpe-inc.com/prod01.htm)

i need to know the weight of the Basic Chain Drive Differential Unit without brake flange.

Anyone can help me please?


01-23-2008, 06:34 AM

I am looking for some specification about the TPE/TRE Automatic Torque Biasing Differential System (http://www.tpe-inc.com/prod01.htm)

i need to know the weight of the Basic Chain Drive Differential Unit without brake flange.

Anyone can help me please?


Composites Guy
01-23-2008, 06:41 AM
Somewhere in your room you'll find a small appliance with a cord running from it. This appliance will have the numbers 1-9 on buttons along with a * and a # button. This unit can be used to initiate voice cantact with TPE/TRE race, providing you fast and accurate weights.

01-23-2008, 07:24 AM
isn't funny. I am not able to call now and I have some problems with my email provider,so if you don't have answer for me,please leave clear the toipc, thanks. It's just a wonder

01-23-2008, 07:52 AM
This is a forum. Forums are for discussion. This is not a discussion.

It was pretty funny.

Taylor Race Engineering
Suite 914
2010 Avenue G
Plano, TX 75074

Telephone Numbers
Order Line : 800-922-4327
Tech Support : 972-422-0567
Fax : 972-422-8677
Weekend Tech Support : 214-616-9872

Email addresses
Order inquiries : terry@taylor-race.com
Engineering : craig@taylor-race.com
Technical sales/support : scotty@taylor-race.com
FSAE Technical sales/support : scotty@taylor-race.com

Composites Guy
01-23-2008, 07:55 AM
C'mon man!!!... have a friend call, have a professor call, set up a free hotmail or gmail account (you obviously have internet access).... I say this not to give you a hard time, but this "can-do" spirit is what you MUST have in FSAE.

01-23-2008, 08:23 AM
Man.....you guys are tough.

I have some weights.....
I just don't want you guys to tear me up.......
It's to early for that..

Composites Guy
01-23-2008, 09:46 AM
No "tearing up" from me Scotty... its hard to argue with the best customer service around :-)

My point was simply that our generation is getting so used to finding the answers on the internet, that we take for granted the power of a phone call to THE MAN (with the answers.) Sometimes it even takes a little persistance to get through to THE MAN, but once you find the right person it can save you time, money and even provide you with great ideas.

I naturally have no phone etiquette, and would rather find or derive the answer in a locked room working by myself... but I'm learning sometimes that's the long way around.

01-23-2008, 10:09 AM
I like the way you think....

And thanks for the customer service remark...
Gettin me on the phone this time of year is kinda tough....E-mail is the best

And the boys from Italy got there e-mail up and workin now.....