View Full Version : Garrett Turbo Maps, Drawings, and Pictures

James Waltman
06-06-2005, 02:12 PM
I have had some requests for Garrett turbo information.
I have gathered up maps, drawings, and some of my pictures. They are all here in this zip file.

<STRIKE>All Garrett Turbo Info (http://dot.etec.wwu.edu/fsae/HostedPics/Turbo/Garrett_FSAE/All_Garrett_FSAE.zip) </STRIKE>

I assembled this information to help out other Formula SAE teams. This is for FSAE teams only. The drawings and maps come with the FSAE sponsorship package. The files that contain drawings and flow maps are property of Garrett (Honeywell Turbo Tech). They give this information out to any team that asks for it.

Edit: The files have all been moved here:

James Waltman
06-06-2005, 02:12 PM
I have had some requests for Garrett turbo information.
I have gathered up maps, drawings, and some of my pictures. They are all here in this zip file.

<STRIKE>All Garrett Turbo Info (http://dot.etec.wwu.edu/fsae/HostedPics/Turbo/Garrett_FSAE/All_Garrett_FSAE.zip) </STRIKE>

I assembled this information to help out other Formula SAE teams. This is for FSAE teams only. The drawings and maps come with the FSAE sponsorship package. The files that contain drawings and flow maps are property of Garrett (Honeywell Turbo Tech). They give this information out to any team that asks for it.

Edit: The files have all been moved here:

06-06-2005, 07:22 PM
sounds like good info, too bad its gona be a 3 hour dl on my friggin dialup......

James Waltman
06-06-2005, 10:09 PM
Alright, fair enough.

<STRIKE>Here is the good stuff about the turbos minus my sweet pictures (http://dot.etec.wwu.edu/fsae/HostedPics/Turbo/Garrett_FSAE/All_Garrett_FSAE_without_pictures.zip). Less than 2.5MB (down from about 49MB).</STRIKE>

Updated location for files:
http://www.wwufsae.com/Shared_FSAE_CAD_Library/Engine/T...ett_FSAE_No_Pics.zip (http://www.wwufsae.com/Shared_FSAE_CAD_Library/Engine/Turbo/Garrett_FSAE_No_Pics.zip)

06-06-2005, 10:45 PM
The pictures are pretty awesome - especially the ones showing the scale of the turbo!

And at 600 kb/s it didn't take long. (We seem to have a good connection from your School James)

06-07-2005, 10:34 AM
plan B, just d/l it on my lunch break at work( I'm gettin about a 3-5kb/s d/l on dialup at home), much faster and got the pictures...tons of info for those considering turboing!

Kamil S
06-09-2005, 01:20 PM
James, thank you. This really helps out a lot, we've been trying to find good info on the GT-12 for a few months now http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

nathan s
06-14-2005, 07:10 AM
Wow. That is some awesome stuff. Much better maps than what we could get our hands on. They must like you better http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif.

Dr Claw
06-14-2005, 10:35 AM
Very very cool stuff, thanks. we are experimenting with turbos this summer, and your pictures will undoubtedly help.

where did you get that bruised-thumb-of-SCIENCE though? thats even more helpfull than the rest of the pics. i think our engine guys will need to pick one or two of those up (IE start working on it...)

thanks though

Kirk Feldkamp
06-18-2005, 08:49 PM

If you're looking to use one of our turbos for next year, make sure to email Cam Thai ASAP and let him know you're going to need one! We need to figure out early who needs them so we can get them to you with more than enough time to get the system tested. Cam's contact info can be found at http://www.honeywell.com/sites/ts/tt/aboutus_formulaSAE.htm under "getting sponsored".

Honeywell is happy to supply teams with turbos if they actually plan on running them and are willing to bust their butts to get in the testing time necessary before the comp. That pre-planning starts now by letting us know you're in need of a turbo! Get on it!


Gabriel Descamps
06-19-2005, 05:41 PM
Wooohoooo, broadband connection, 255 KB/sec. My university rocks, hehe. Thanks for the info James.

James Waltman
11-10-2005, 11:37 PM
I am bringing this one back up because I got a few new documents to add.

The zip file has:
Pictures of the GT12
Maps for the GT12 and GT15V
Dimensioned Drawings for the GT12 and GT15V
Oiling suggestions

I also have a second file that has all of the same documents but does not have any pictures.

<STRIKE>All the info plus pictures – about 48MB (http://dot.etec.wwu.edu/fsae/HostedPics/Turbo/Garrett_FSAE/All_Garrett_FSAE.zip) </STRIKE>
<STRIKE>All the info without pictures – about 2.6MB (http://dot.etec.wwu.edu/fsae/HostedPics/Turbo/Garrett_FSAE/All_Garrett_FSAE_without_pictures.zip)</STRIKE>

All of the files have been moved here: