View Full Version : Formula Student Cost Event

05-31-2004, 04:57 PM
Can someone who has been to FSAE (or FSAE-A) and also been to Europe explain the difference between the cost event over there? The overall explanation is similar, but the score sheet (http://www.imeche.org.uk/formulastudent/pdf/presentation%20judging%20sheet.pdf) Looks a bit different.

PM or email at cpmaverick@yahoo.com is fine if you would rather not post here!


05-31-2004, 05:11 PM
Alright I think I get it- There is a different cost format for class 3 and class 2, but class one is identical to FSAE? Can anyone verify that?


Dominic Venieri
06-01-2004, 08:54 AM
Charlie, the cost event in the UK is identical to the one here as far as the report goes - we just reprinted it with corrections/feedback from Detroit the 2 times I've done it. The day of event is a bit different, mostly because you get to spend so much more time with the judges that they actually go over more things on the car with you.