View Full Version : Cost Presentation Discussion
CMURacing - Prometheus
01-10-2005, 03:51 PM
Anybody got sources on what we gotta sae for the manufacturing processes? I know the previous generation were pretty well passed around on our team, and i'm willing to share with people who share with me.
05-03-2005, 08:58 PM
I think the team must outline the manufacturing process (Mass Production) of 2 of the following 8 items for this year:
Fuel Filter
Brake Master Cylinder
Hose Clamp
Brake Light
Spark Plug
Steering wheel quick release
Throttle Cable
If anyone got any info about the manufacturing process of any of these part please share!
CMURacing - Prometheus
05-10-2005, 04:56 PM
yea, this is what I was originally asking about. I have 3 or 4 of these covered, anyone willing to help?
I've got:
ECU (thanks Bryan from PE!)
throttle cable (cuz i'm a bike nerd)
Quick Release (cuz I dissassembled one)
brake light? (cuz it seems intuitive)
I was going to just start calling random tech support lines and hoping I get a knowledgeable enigneer, but if someone knows something i don't...
05-11-2005, 07:37 AM
How can i get in contact with you? I got the brake master cylinder and hose clamp info
05-14-2005, 04:29 PM
We have managed to track down all the manufacturing processes for all the items. However, a couple of them were a bit vague.
Push-pull cable
Brake Light
Its like two or three steps. I cant help to think that were missing something.
Erick Scarpone
06-13-2005, 11:03 AM
We have all the thinks SAE Asked for this year really well explained, except the ECU, it was really hard for us to find info on this topic, if anyone is interested on sharing there is no problem, write me at and ill send you our file, we would like to get info on past years items, we want to have a info folder on the Uni, and we really want to make contact of other Uni's for next year parts!!!
Imagine if we all concentrated in just one part how much info we would gatter!!! and then pass it to 7 other Unis, and they to us!! Less work more Info how cool does that sounds!!!
jejeje but wont work everyone wnats to win right? If anyone interested, just raise your hand!!!
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