View Full Version : Design Event Questions

04-27-2005, 12:43 AM
Right now we're working on getting our desing information put together in a cohesive format for the design event. Part of this is making sure we have and understand the information that the judges want. To do this we are starting with the answers to questions that we asked last year. To go beyond this I would like to know what questions other teams have been asked in the design tent.

Questions we were asked last year that I remember are:
What are the stresses in your chain and sprocket?
What is your oil pressure with respect to lateral acceleration?
Have you done any simulations of the engine/intake and what kind?

04-27-2005, 12:43 AM
Right now we're working on getting our desing information put together in a cohesive format for the design event. Part of this is making sure we have and understand the information that the judges want. To do this we are starting with the answers to questions that we asked last year. To go beyond this I would like to know what questions other teams have been asked in the design tent.

Questions we were asked last year that I remember are:
What are the stresses in your chain and sprocket?
What is your oil pressure with respect to lateral acceleration?
Have you done any simulations of the engine/intake and what kind?

04-27-2005, 04:19 AM
Beaver guy,
Rather than worry about a 'list of Design Judge questions' that you should be ready to answer, you would be better off making sure that the people presenting at Design have a good understanding of why any design decisions were made on your car.
You should have started off with a top notch Design Review, that tells the design judges all about your car in an easy to read (and non patronising!) way, so they know WHAT you have done. Then the judging is primarily about WHY you did that.
That way the design judges have a pretty good idea about your car before they even see it. A good Design Review can win Design!!!
Make sure you rehearse how you present the car. Time after time we see shambolic presentations with people talking over the top of each other and at the end of your 20 minutes, no reasonable information has been passed to the judges.
Ensure the car is in impeccable condition for the presentation. Sure there are only 5 points for aesthetics, but a nice car puts the Judges in a positive frame of mind and is priceless.
If there is anything you are really pleased about on the car, make sure you point it out. Don't wait for the judges to ask...that may never happen!
Do not try to snow the judges. If they ask a question you can't answer, then say so! Possibly you can talk with that judge again later and discover why that question is important and why you should understand that facet of the car.
Finally, as another judge pointed out, have a set of presentation grade pictures for the judges, something they can refer to in their deliberations.
Design judging in NOT a 'Put tab A into slot B' exercise.

04-27-2005, 01:37 PM
The question list is really a secondary thing. After having one of those "shambolic" presentations last year we are trying to cover all of our bases. The questions are more so we remember the information that we allready have.

Thanks for the input.