View Full Version : Looks like nationals has come early this year.. (Formula SAE West 2009 Competition)

Mike Cook
06-15-2009, 12:29 PM
002 Missouri University of Science and Technology
017 South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
069 University of Kansas
001 University of Maryland
003 University of Oklahoma
013 University of Texas-Arlington

I personally feel that this is probably the most competitive competition (in terms of pure performance) I have ever been in. However the cards fall, I hope to see my winged brethren in the top 3.

Tuesday night (june 16), I'm hoping to hit up K1 go kart track to get in a little practice around 6:30ish. If you guys are interested hit me up at four one zero five seven zero three six five one and we can have a warm up race. Heres the karting tracks info:

K1 Speed Ontario
5350 East Ontario Mills Pkwy,
Ontario, CA 91764

Phone: (909) 980-0286
Fax: (909) 980-0654

looks like they have 3 for the price of 2 tuesday nights...


Mike Cook
06-15-2009, 12:29 PM
002 Missouri University of Science and Technology
017 South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
069 University of Kansas
001 University of Maryland
003 University of Oklahoma
013 University of Texas-Arlington

I personally feel that this is probably the most competitive competition (in terms of pure performance) I have ever been in. However the cards fall, I hope to see my winged brethren in the top 3.

Tuesday night (june 16), I'm hoping to hit up K1 go kart track to get in a little practice around 6:30ish. If you guys are interested hit me up at four one zero five seven zero three six five one and we can have a warm up race. Heres the karting tracks info:

K1 Speed Ontario
5350 East Ontario Mills Pkwy,
Ontario, CA 91764

Phone: (909) 980-0286
Fax: (909) 980-0654

looks like they have 3 for the price of 2 tuesday nights...


Kirk Feldkamp
06-15-2009, 04:11 PM
K1 is way closer.

Map to K1 in Ontario (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=9300+Cherry+Ave,+Fontana,+CA+92335+(Auto+Clu b+Speedway)&daddr=5350+Ontario+Mills+Pkwy,+Ontario,+CA+91764&hl=en&geocode=FUYXCAIdtEL_-CFLcoWSvkJrfw%3BFZ_dBwIdYqD--A&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=34.084963,-117.405015&sspn=0.20757,0.44632&ie=UTF8&z=15)


Just sayin'.


Mike Cook
06-15-2009, 04:30 PM
Thanks Kirk, that was the place I was actually thinking of but didn't find it on the google. I will revise the original post.

06-18-2009, 05:16 PM
FYI... the K1 in Anaheim has the best track

Kirk Feldkamp
06-18-2009, 06:38 PM
That's what I've heard too. I haven't been there yet though. It's just hard to get people to go all the way up there when the Irvine K1 is a block away from work!


06-18-2009, 07:28 PM
Yeah I know but... It's so worth it to go to the Anaheim one! Last I was there you pay the same price for double the track length.