View Full Version : Help finding someone from competition...

Gary Norris
06-08-2004, 01:37 PM
Hey guys,

When we were packing up to leave the competition, we found a jacket that belonged to our steward. I left it with one of the event staff who said she could get it to him, and gave her his name and our team info. Unfortunately, we just got an email from our steward saying that he hadn't received it yet, so I'm trying to get ahold of the young lady we left it with. I don't recall her name, and I was hoping someone reading these posts might know. She was brunette, probably 25 or so, fairly attractive, and had a mole on her chin. She was the one assigning the paddocks, and was always around helping out, usually on one of the golf carts. I'm not sure if she was with the local Detroit SCCA group that was volunteering, or directly with the SAE organizers.

I apologize for the pretty vague description, but I'm pretty sure someone will know who I'm talking about. If you know a name or which organization she's with, I'd VERY much appreciate it! Any info at all would be very helpful, you can reply here, or drop me an email at gnorris@usc.edu

Thanks again,

Gary Norris

Gary Norris
06-15-2004, 01:53 PM
Anybody? Please???


06-15-2004, 02:20 PM
hey gary, i dont know her, but i think i might have her on my video coz i remember seeing an attractive steward while i was there http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif. Maybe i could do a photo capture and post it in this thread.