View Full Version : Looking for trade- 2 of our brand new GY 2704s for 2 new Hoosier R25B (20.5x7x13)

03-17-2012, 09:05 AM
We have a pair of brand new 2704 goodyears that we were going to use for launch control/traction control testing, but we are switching to Hoosiers this year so we would prefer to do the testing on Hoosiers. PM me if you are willing to arrange a trade.

03-17-2012, 09:05 AM
We have a pair of brand new 2704 goodyears that we were going to use for launch control/traction control testing, but we are switching to Hoosiers this year so we would prefer to do the testing on Hoosiers. PM me if you are willing to arrange a trade.