View Full Version : CNC Brakes Cad model?

02-22-2012, 01:59 PM
Hey, anyone have models to the 623 two piston calipers by cncbrakes.com?

http://www.cncbrakes.com/bac.a...eries=623&subseries= (http://www.cncbrakes.com/bac.asp?grp=bac&subgrp=2&series=623&subseries=)

02-22-2012, 01:59 PM
Hey, anyone have models to the 623 two piston calipers by cncbrakes.com?

http://www.cncbrakes.com/bac.a...eries=623&subseries= (http://www.cncbrakes.com/bac.asp?grp=bac&subgrp=2&series=623&subseries=)

02-24-2012, 02:46 PM
Would stay away from those, they have round piston seals (meant to highly retract the pistons for minimal drag). Works on a dragster, terrible pedal feel on the on the car.

The calipers can be machined to accept a proper X seal, but a pain.