View Full Version : Electromotive TEC3R

08-10-2005, 07:35 PM
I know the topic of ECU's has been discussed before, but here I go again.

I was wondering if anyone is currently using the Electromotive TEC3R, and if they have had any major problems with it. I was looking at the specs and its seems to be a pretty good product. I'm just wondering if anyone has an opinion before we sink some of our funds into it.


08-10-2005, 07:35 PM
I know the topic of ECU's has been discussed before, but here I go again.

I was wondering if anyone is currently using the Electromotive TEC3R, and if they have had any major problems with it. I was looking at the specs and its seems to be a pretty good product. I'm just wondering if anyone has an opinion before we sink some of our funds into it.


Captain Redbeard
08-10-2005, 10:54 PM
Electromotive is currently working on a new ECU specifically targeted at FSAE teams and the like. We will be beta testing the unit for them very soon. It might be worth it to wait a couple months or contact the company to get the low down. I think the unit is meant to be cheaper to compete with PE units (although many functions like wastegate control and IAC will still be included.)


Chris Boyden
08-11-2005, 08:32 AM
My beef with TEC3 is the user interface GUI and the connector. The AMP connector only has 10 mate and break cycles and is just not enough for a high quality unit (check the datasheet here (http://ecommas.tycoelectronics.com/commerce/DocumentDelivery/DDEController?Action=showdoc&DocId=Specification+Or+Standard%7F108-1329%7FA%7Fpdf%7FEnglish%7FENG_SS_108-1329_A.pdf)
The software is clunky and unless they've added this, you cannot upload the current map back onto the PC. The R&D that goes into building a car will have you unplugging the unit fairly often and that will wear out the connector. Also, you may have issues with the trigger wheel. I know that we weren't the only ones with problems. The VR sensor is NOT rated for automotive temperatures. Therefore, if you run it inside the crankcase, it WILL fail at the worst possible time. and at $50 per sensor, it doesn't taste to well. If you can mount the sensor to an external crank trigger wheel, great! But all of the time, expense, and effort makes that a real pain in the ass, when other systems use the stock VR sensor. However, if you are looking for a high resolution crank signal, electromotive probably can put the spark exactly where you specify with less interpolation because of the 60-2 tooth wheel.

Chris Razl
08-11-2005, 01:31 PM
We had problems with the crank position sensor as well. We had an external trigger wheel though. The wires going into the sensor are fragile and break if you bend them too often, and then the sensor is useless.

Theres also a starting glitch which causes the unit to crash sometimes, but I understand that they've fixed it for the 3r.

The software isn't so bad. It's kindof ugly but it does everything it needs to do. Hooking up pots to GPIs for fuel and spark trim is great for tuning; for the effort it takes, it will be well worth your while.


As for unplugging and whatever all the time, we've built two cars with the TEC3 and haven't had any problems with the connectors. Really you don't take it apart that often. Car->Dyno and Dyno->Car once a season. All the work you do is on the loose wire ends of the harness, you don't need to unplug it all the time.

I haven't used anything else, but I am happy with the TEC3.

Chris Razl
Queen's University FSAE