11-25-2011, 12:48 PM
As you know we have been working to develop a racing class that has relevence to the FSAE programs in SCCA club racing an Solo. As a result the ruleset is out for comment. Please send in your support letters for F600. The platform is targeted to be an entry level class that is based around 600cc mtorcycle engines. Anyone can design and compete a car and as an alum of FSAE from MS&T that is what I plan to do as I am sure many of you are capable as well. All we ask is for you to write letters of suport. if you are not curently a meber but would do so if the class was available, please note that in your letter. We are looking for the club to have a more technology relevant, exciting car to race (other than Formula Vee or Formula 500.) Here is a video at VIR:
F600 @ VIR (
Here is a link to the proposed rules:
F600 rules (
Here is a sample letter:
I am writing to express my support for creation of the proposed "F600" class. This new class should be approved as quickly as possible. In light of the recent actions taken suspending use of the participation limits, I would also request that it be granted national status.
Members of the CRB,
I am writing to express my support for creation of the proposed "F600" class. This new class should be approved as quickly as possible. In light of the recent actions taken suspending use of the participation limits, I would also request that it be granted national status.
Here is the website you need to send it to:
CRB Letter Input (
The catagory is "F-SR" and the class is "F". Please put "Support for F600 Rules" in the title of request line.
PLease work to have a letter in by Tuesday if possible. Thans for your spport an patience.
Chris Huskamp
Huskamp Motorsports Engineering
1620 Lucas Avenue Suite 802
St. Louis, MO 63103
NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error, please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please indicate to the sender that you have received this email in error, and delete the copy you received. In addition, the information contained herein and that is attached is proprietary to Huskamp Motorsports Engineering, please protect accordingly. Thank you.
As you know we have been working to develop a racing class that has relevence to the FSAE programs in SCCA club racing an Solo. As a result the ruleset is out for comment. Please send in your support letters for F600. The platform is targeted to be an entry level class that is based around 600cc mtorcycle engines. Anyone can design and compete a car and as an alum of FSAE from MS&T that is what I plan to do as I am sure many of you are capable as well. All we ask is for you to write letters of suport. if you are not curently a meber but would do so if the class was available, please note that in your letter. We are looking for the club to have a more technology relevant, exciting car to race (other than Formula Vee or Formula 500.) Here is a video at VIR:
F600 @ VIR (
Here is a link to the proposed rules:
F600 rules (
Here is a sample letter:
I am writing to express my support for creation of the proposed "F600" class. This new class should be approved as quickly as possible. In light of the recent actions taken suspending use of the participation limits, I would also request that it be granted national status.
Members of the CRB,
I am writing to express my support for creation of the proposed "F600" class. This new class should be approved as quickly as possible. In light of the recent actions taken suspending use of the participation limits, I would also request that it be granted national status.
Here is the website you need to send it to:
CRB Letter Input (
The catagory is "F-SR" and the class is "F". Please put "Support for F600 Rules" in the title of request line.
PLease work to have a letter in by Tuesday if possible. Thans for your spport an patience.
Chris Huskamp
Huskamp Motorsports Engineering
1620 Lucas Avenue Suite 802
St. Louis, MO 63103
NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error, please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please indicate to the sender that you have received this email in error, and delete the copy you received. In addition, the information contained herein and that is attached is proprietary to Huskamp Motorsports Engineering, please protect accordingly. Thank you.