03-03-2011, 05:47 PM
I have some problems in applying pressure on a suction cup model. I am beginner in Ansys and working on Ansys Workbench
<UL TYPE=SQUARE> I have one atmospheirc pressure acting on the outside of suction cup and from inside it is 0.1 unit below atmospheric pressure.
The effective force is the difference between the presuure on outside and inside time the effective area.
In order to apply the pressure on both the side in Ansys Workbecnh I select inner and outer face and apply the pressure mentioned above.
This diffenrce in pressure deform the suction cup and some part of the suction cup come in contact with the ground sp the effective area is reduced.
How should i now apply the force on the inside of the suction cup that only acts on the face not on the part which is coming in contact with the ground? [/list]
Any help will be much appreciated
<UL TYPE=SQUARE> I have one atmospheirc pressure acting on the outside of suction cup and from inside it is 0.1 unit below atmospheric pressure.
The effective force is the difference between the presuure on outside and inside time the effective area.
In order to apply the pressure on both the side in Ansys Workbecnh I select inner and outer face and apply the pressure mentioned above.
This diffenrce in pressure deform the suction cup and some part of the suction cup come in contact with the ground sp the effective area is reduced.
How should i now apply the force on the inside of the suction cup that only acts on the face not on the part which is coming in contact with the ground? [/list]
Any help will be much appreciated