View Full Version : alignment values

01-27-2011, 11:34 AM
i am new member of fsae. i wud like to know what be the optimum values of
1.toe angle (rear and front for a rear wheel drive car)
2.caster angle
3.camber angle and shud all the wheels have same camber??
5.caster trail
6.scrub radius
plz reply soon
its urgent

01-27-2011, 11:34 AM
i am new member of fsae. i wud like to know what be the optimum values of
1.toe angle (rear and front for a rear wheel drive car)
2.caster angle
3.camber angle and shud all the wheels have same camber??
5.caster trail
6.scrub radius
plz reply soon
its urgent

01-27-2011, 11:46 AM
figure it out yourself...

01-27-2011, 12:05 PM
Oh wow. This one takes the cake.

Is anyone else up for holding votes on the worst post of the week from someone. We can give weekly or monthly achievements for:

-Worst Post
-Most Idiotic Post
-Dumbest/Most Obvious Question
-Question Most In Need of Google/Find Function
-Post that Wants Answers Without Any Thought, Thinking or Engineering
-Worst Post that Uses the Word Optimize
-Worst Punctuation/Lack of Use Proper Grammatical Syntax
-Best Example of Post that is Destroying this Forums Slowly!

How many of these "awards" will this post win for the week? month? year?

Conversely, we could also have awards for stuff like:

-Most Helpful Post
-Most Thought Provoking Post
-Funniest Post

01-27-2011, 12:50 PM
Zero, pi and large values of 2 are clearly the answer, but I forget which numbers go with which alignment. I'll ask my chiropracter next time I have my alignment checked. I believe that for manual steering U shud use 'e' instead of 'pi'.

Drew Price
01-27-2011, 02:20 PM
Fibonacci that shit.

01-27-2011, 02:38 PM

I have emailed you a detailed set of papers, notes, engineering drawings, CAD models, cost reports, and design reports. That should answer all of your questions. Enjoy!

Also, if you forward me just 1,000USD, I can have my Nigerian uncle fully finance your FSAE program. Let me know if you're interested!

01-27-2011, 02:57 PM
I imagine (I hope) you are wondering why your post has generated such flack.

Well, unfortunately, you are adding to the level of disrespect being generated on here for the Indian teams based on their apparant laziness and lack of willingness to get out there and figure out their own answers.

FS/FSAE is an engineering competition. Think about what that entails!
It requires the application of engineering practices. Think about what that entails!

There must be a thousand books out there that will let you investigate the subjects you are asking about! Where will you find these books? Start by looking at the 'Sticky' that refers you to books.
There must be a thousand papers out there...They can be found by reading the 'Sticky' too!
Then there is the huge repository of information contained within this forum. That can be researched by using the 'Search' function.
Once you have familiarised yourself with the subject, you should be able to work out your own settings. It's simple physics, not black magic.

Lord, even the driving sims permit you to change parameters and monitor the results.

Instead, you have chosen to express your laziness to all contributors to this forum by asking someone to give you answers to questions you don't even understand!
Don't believe me? Okay then, why do we have camber? Or what is the effect of scrub radius? Do we actually need it? Why aren't all cars set up to zero (neutral) settings for everything?

I understand that everyone has to start somewhere but it there is one truth in life it is that no-one is going to carry you.
So, get off your ass, investigate the subject and then, you never know, but you might be able to give advice on here!

One last bit of advice. Never say "Oh, but we have no money for research, there is no sponsorship available in India". Firstly, I don't believe that and secondly, what makes you think that any FSAE team has money for research? They all have to find it...thats part of the challenge.



PS, the language on this forum is English not Textese!