View Full Version : baffling for wet sump oil pans...HELP!!!

10-18-2004, 01:08 PM

I have been doing lots of work on dry sumps, and have all the components ready for installation on our car for next year. However, this year i simply need to work out how to baffle the sump successfully to avoid excessive oil surge and therefore starvation. I will be machining a brand new sump with the baffles incorporated but cant find any decent info on what the best designs/layout of baffles are. Its for a CBR600 4I. Any help and/or pics at all will be wicked....cheers. Jim(Cardiff Uni)

10-18-2004, 01:08 PM

I have been doing lots of work on dry sumps, and have all the components ready for installation on our car for next year. However, this year i simply need to work out how to baffle the sump successfully to avoid excessive oil surge and therefore starvation. I will be machining a brand new sump with the baffles incorporated but cant find any decent info on what the best designs/layout of baffles are. Its for a CBR600 4I. Any help and/or pics at all will be wicked....cheers. Jim(Cardiff Uni)

10-18-2004, 02:00 PM
Hey Jimbo just put an Accusump system on your car this year. Its simple and works with little mods. Just plumb it into your oil system and forget about the baffles.

But if you have lots of time and want to make a new sump go for it.

Just remember build it fast and reliable.

Nick McNaughton
10-18-2004, 05:19 PM
This is always fun. Imagine you were a drop of oil...

Figure out what sort of lateral/longitudional loads your car will be subjected to, in what combination and how severe for how long. Then figure out how that affects the motion of oil inside your sump. Once you know where your oil is and how it got there, see if you can figure out a way to block its path so it ends up somewhere useful - like near the pickup.

Take a careful look at Mr Honda's design, most of the detail you'll need is there. For instance, supports under the pickup and blowoff valve...