View Full Version : Any SV650 Riders out there?

Greg 08
04-15-2007, 06:31 AM
I am looking into one and just wanted to hear a few opinions on what you thought of it.

To me it seems like the perfect cross between crotch rocket and cruiser for the price. I haven't sat on one, but some of the people I have spoken with say it is closer to upright and isn't too bad to ride for a while. Thanks for you input.

Greg Ehlert

Bill Kunst
04-16-2007, 10:41 AM
check the sv650 vs sv650s. Seating positions are different. The sv is a great bike, with decent power and good handling. it is also very good on the pocket book at 45mpg and insurance rates at cruiser pricing compared to rocket pricing. check it out.

04-16-2007, 01:15 PM
The sv is definitely a great bike. They are not as powerful as a sport bike but have a ton of torque from the big V-Twin. I have two very good friends that ride sv's and haven't heard any complaints. The seating position is a lot more upright than my 600RR and would be much more comfortable to ride over long distance. One friend rode his from here (in Colorado) to Alaska and back.