View Full Version : Belt Final Drive

11-14-2006, 12:16 PM
I have a question for the teams that use a synchronous belt final drive. I want to know what size belt you're using (tooth pitch and width).

11-14-2006, 12:16 PM
I have a question for the teams that use a synchronous belt final drive. I want to know what size belt you're using (tooth pitch and width).

11-14-2006, 04:24 PM
Pictorial example (http://web.umr.edu/%7Eide120/extra/examples/drive_belt/index.html)

From the testing Simon and I did in 2004, we found belt drives were very sensitive to misalignment, so keep that in mind- you'll need a very robust method to keep the pulleys in line. For reference, the testing rig in those pictures broke before the belt did under static loading, yet a belt larger than that shredded itself on the car (which was orginally designed for chain drive).

11-15-2006, 10:15 AM
mtg, how much belt tension were you running? Also is that an 8mm pitch 30mm wide belt?

11-15-2006, 09:33 PM
I don't remember the specific numbers, and we didn't get to the point of experimenting with amount of belt tension. But, the Gates Polychain GT2 was a favorable contestant.

11-20-2006, 12:11 PM
Has anyone done a comparison on the price of 2 cogged pulleys, custom splines on one, a belt, and idler vs a gear and a chain?

12-31-2006, 06:04 AM
www.Mcmastercarr.com (http://www.Mcmastercarr.com) lists various industrial cogged belts and pulleys with different methods of attachment. I'm sure they could be lightened and broaching is cheap compared to other methods of machining splines. Finding someone who has the correct broach is key. There isn't much price difference between a chain system and a belt system. Heavy chain, light sprockets or light belt, heavy pulleys.