View Full Version : CF- Metal Bonding

01-22-2007, 05:02 AM
Please suggest how to bind CF with Metals like Aluminium and Mild Steel.
How can I layer steel rods with Carbon Fibre?

01-22-2007, 05:02 AM
Please suggest how to bind CF with Metals like Aluminium and Mild Steel.
How can I layer steel rods with Carbon Fibre?

Drew Price
01-23-2007, 02:11 AM
There are some stuctural adhesives and epoxy resins specifically for this sort of thing, what sort of geometry are you trying to bond? Just wrapping tubes?


01-23-2007, 12:59 PM
The first step in bonding any type of fiber to metals is good surface preparition. The metal surface needs to be roughed up, really roughed up. A rough grit blast works well, but if that is not possible a coarse sandpaper will work. And when I say coarse I mean 18 or 24 grit, not 60 grit from the hardware store.

The other part of surface prep is cleaning the base metal. Solvents like acetone, xylol, or denatured alchohol work. Clean the surface right before your bonding (with enough time for the solvent to evaporate) to try and get rid of any surface oxidation that might be present.

I think that vacuum bagging also helps when bonding to metals so that the resin is forced into the rough surface texture you made. Remember, your strength will only be coming from mechanical grip, not any sort of chemical bond. And as always, avoid stress concentrations. Good luck.


01-23-2007, 01:59 PM
adhesive backing w00t (http://www.teamsly.com/catalog/productInfo.asp?id=31)