View Full Version : Free Monocoque Moulds

10-23-2008, 10:49 AM
Hi all,

Just been informed the Chalmers Formula Student 2006 moulds are being binned on Monday. I'd say they are big enough to meet current regs or could do for Formula Hybrid or any other single seater project. The moulds are in Gothenburg in the west of sweden and as they are free, you would have to organise shipment yourself. Search for Chalmers address on www.chalmers.se (http://www.chalmers.se). I can organise someone to meet your courier.


Pete Fodor
10-29-2008, 08:59 AM
I would like to mention that free moulds are pretty damn good seeing as it can cost 1000 to $2000 to make. Its probably even just worth it for the material in some cases and you will probably find we have more stuff thats being binned that other teams might find useful.