View Full Version : query about spped range at particular gears

08-20-2006, 04:45 AM
wat speed range shud we drive in particular gears if we have a six-gear gear box at
FSAE-SAE events.also plz tell what r pros and cons of having six gear transmission?since we r a first yr team it wud be of gr8 help.thnx.

08-20-2006, 06:48 AM
Depends on how you want the car to drive and what your engine curves look like. If you have a wide powerband, you don't need as many gears, and if you have a short, peaky band, you'll need to use all the gears. More shifiting also means more strain on the driver. Most teams don't see any higher than 70mph on the longest straights, and spend most of their time closer to 30.

Jersey Tom
08-20-2006, 11:02 AM
You will find people will give you good responses in general if you don't write messages in kiddie-style type. kthx? l8r