View Full Version : Decal Placement

04-24-2005, 03:43 PM
The rules say:
"3.6.4 Technical Inspection Sticker Space Technical inspection stickers will be placed on the upper nose of the vehicle. Cars must have a clear and unobstructed area at least 25.4cm wide x 20.3cm high (10" x 8") on the upper front surface of the nose along the vehicle centerline."

By "upper front surface", do they mean the top of the nose at the very tip (forward most place) or do they mean by the front roll hoop? Is this a new rule? I havent seen any other cars with tech inspection stickers at the front of the car.


04-24-2005, 03:43 PM
The rules say:
"3.6.4 Technical Inspection Sticker Space Technical inspection stickers will be placed on the upper nose of the vehicle. Cars must have a clear and unobstructed area at least 25.4cm wide x 20.3cm high (10" x 8") on the upper front surface of the nose along the vehicle centerline."

By "upper front surface", do they mean the top of the nose at the very tip (forward most place) or do they mean by the front roll hoop? Is this a new rule? I havent seen any other cars with tech inspection stickers at the front of the car.


04-24-2005, 03:53 PM
Tip of the nose, you can see it in this picture on our '04 car.


Tony K
04-24-2005, 06:48 PM
Side of the nose works as well. All of our good carbon work was exposed on the top of the nose, so used the tech sticker to hide a small blemish on the side; worked out quite well.

04-25-2005, 06:42 PM