View Full Version : HELP, URGENT FOR FORMULA STUDENT: How steering rack made

07-07-2005, 06:23 AM

I have to find out asap how all the components of the steering rack are manufactured (rack gear, pinion gear, housing and bearing assembly) and also the assembly process. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out.


ps Will owe you one!

nathan s
07-07-2005, 02:35 PM
It all depends on what you are making them out of, how they are supposed to fit together, and what kind of clearances you need. Some teams weld their housing, others use cnc or a hand mill. Some use a square rack, others use a round one. Some use a full pinion, others use a half gear. Really it all just depends. My best advise is to look at as many pictures as you can to decide what it should be like. Pick your materials, and go from there. Aluminum is easier to cnc or mill, while steel is easier to weld. Good luck!

07-07-2005, 05:32 PM
We just made a new steering rack and pinion arrangement for our 2005 entry. Used a round Aluminium rack and steel gear.

We CNC'd the housing and had the rack and gears made by a gear manufacturer. A splined coupler has been used to connect the steering column to pinion.

One thing we noted was when using an Alu. rack, the resistance to motion and chances of cold welding the rack into the housing increase dramatically when using an Aluminium housing when good alignment is included. We used some bronze bushings to provide the alignment to reduce this.

07-08-2005, 11:33 AM
No offense, but 'URGENT!' is for when your team has a crisis that might prevent it from competing. Needing an engine, wheel, etc. Not when your team hasn't done it's homeowrk, and is worried about losing 5 points. Don't cry wolf.